INSTRUCTIONS Your writing must be formal. should be in full-text, not attachments. An introduction, body, and conclusion are expected minimum 5 paragraph essay. DO NOT exceed the word limit. You must cite any information in your 500–1000-word response limit that is not common knowledge. Only course materials may be cited. You are required to cite […]
Florence Nightingale is considered the pioneer of nursing research and evidence-based practice (EBP). She is credited with being the first person to conduct thorough tests, organize statistical data and publish best practices in the field of nursing. Today, many of Nightingale’s core principles are still relevant and provide the nursing profession with a guide for […]
Identify and describe practice barriers for all four APNs roles in your state and discuss these barriers on a state and national level. The four roles include the nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist. Identify forms of competition on the state and national level that interfere with APN’s ability to practice […]
ARMY HEALTH SYSTEM ASSIGNMENT (AHS) Purpose To demonstrate an understanding of the AHS Medical Functions. Background Information Assignment activities are an important tool in facilitating student learning in an online environment. Your participation allows you to demonstrate understanding and application of course material. Topic The Army Health System (AHS) is a component of the Military […]
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics related to anxiolytic medications used to treat GAD. Compare and contrast different treatment options that can be used. — Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a chronic condition characterized by excessive and unrealistic worry about everyday events and activities. […]
Care Across The Lifespan Il COMPLEX CASE STUDY PRESENTATION Subjective: CC (chief complaint): ”I frequently feel like a bomb ready to explode” BPI: K.G. is a 17-year-old African-American male accompanied to the clinic by his dad for a psychiatric evaluation. Dad reported that the patient began having symptoms over two years ago. Dad reported three […]
Review Joint Commission’s Standards on Leadership, as well as an organizational job descriiption of a nurse executive. Based on your observations or involvement – provide an exemplar of a time a nurse leader played a valuable role as a member of an inter-professional health care team in in advocating for improvements in organizational processes, standards […]
Child sex abuse in 10-13 pages please include the following: You have been tasked with investigating an issue that occurred and had a notable impact on the surrounding society’s perception of the organization. You will describe the issue and discuss how the organization responded, as well as how the issue altered society’s perception of the […]
Assignment 1: Affordable Care Act Analysis Paper (29 points) The student will write a scholarly paper that analyzes the ethical, political, economic, and cultural impact of the 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) on patient and population outcomes. Assignment Criteria: Develop a scholarly […]
Case scenario W S. is a 36-year-old African American male who presents to the clinic for follow-up psychiatric evaluation and medication management with the diagnosis of unspecified depressive disorder and Alcohol/Ecstasy use. Chief complaints: “I’m here for a follow-up.” The patient presents restless, with euthymic mood and affects. He presents with fair insight and judgment. […]