Exam Remediation NSG1127 exam 2 Instructions: Student will be provided this template during the exam remediation class. The course coordinator will put content areas the student missed on their individual exam. Students will then pick three key points on the missed content area. The key points must be handwritten and, in the students, own words. […]
Unit 4 Individual Project Who is to blame, the individual or society? James T. Johnson is a 24-year-old construction worker who lives at home with his mother. During the week, he goes to work on time, does his work, and comes home. Occasionally, he will go out with a group of coworkers on a Friday […]
Crime Prevention Specialist Select a career in the security field that interests you and why. Determine what types of skills, certifications and education is needed. Explain the job responsibilities, the pay and benefits. Describe the training provided and the pros and cons of such a career. Institutional Affiliation Crime Prevention Specialist (CPS) My desire is […]
Game Log #6: Playtesting and User Research The game’s premise is that the player is an alien from outer space. Humans are invading and they must defend their planet in a tower defense game against humans. This assignment was originally going to be a report on playtesting sessions you had to conduct for your group […]
NR326 RUA Scholarly Article Review Purpose The student will review, summarize, and critique a scholarly article related to a mental health topic. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. (CO 4) Utilize critical thinking skills in clinical decision-making and implementation of the nursing process for psychiatric/mental health clients. (PO […]
Assignment 2 : Psychology in the News The main purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to relate some of the concepts studied in this psychology course to everyday life. Select 4 long current-events articles (a page or more in length) from the news related to topics discussed in forensic psychology. These articles are […]
How do you show your team spirit? Do you wear an insignia on your back, or is it on a mug you hoist to cheer your team on? Look closer and you might find another organization featured prominently, as well. Visitors to almost any college or university bookstore find themselves browsing through racks and racks […]
Assignment: Journal Entry/PRAC 6675: PMHNP Care Across The Lifespan II Practicum Critical reflection on your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting helps you identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes. Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for […]
The Interplay between Epidemiology and Mental Disorders The field of epidemiology plays a crucial role in understanding the distribution, determinants, and impact of diseases within populations. Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing recognition of the complex relationship between mental disorders and epidemiology. This article explores the interplay between epidemiology and mental […]
CHCDIS007 FACILITATE THE EMPOWERMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for students Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is translated into practical on the job improvements. You are going to be assessed for: Your skills and […]