Young patients face unique challenges during an illness and its treatment. Chronic childhood illness can be extremely disruptive for the child or adolescent and his or her family, especially when treatment demands frequent and lengthy hospitalizations. The illness, as well as a lack of normalcy in the patient’s life, may hinder biological, psychological, and […]
Journal Entry–Social Workers and the LGBTQ Population The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias. Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, […]
Greenshields #1 The research for this paper was based off a question that came to, while re-visiting the history and celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of Vaslav Nijinsky’s creation of Le Sacre du Printemps, The Right of Spring that premiered in 1913. This question in mind has many dimensions when asked, to compare the relationship […]
Homework help – Discussion: Qualitative Research Questions Research questions that lend themselves to a qualitative approach often address questions about how people construct meaning. In this way, qualitative research questions set the stage for open-ended, inductive inquiry. For this Homework help – Discussion, review the case study entitled, “Social Work Research: Program Evaluation.” Consider the […]
For this assignment you must pick either Reality Therapy (Ch. 10), OR Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (Ch. 11), and answer ALL of the questions below—remember, you must choose only one type of therapy, and it has to be either Reality Therapy or REBT. For DQ#2 answer all of the following questions: 1) Which type of […]
week 4 discussion 872 risk Assessment Risk Assessment as Standard Practice What is your agency’s approach to assessing for safety? Is there a structured safety assessment, protocol, or policy? Please describe. If one does not exist, please describe an appropriate protocol to your setting. The client is a social worker. she deals with people struggling […]
NURS3017: Health Variations 5: Palliative and End of Life Care – Case analysis—Palliative care case study Assignment Task Assignment : Case analysis—Palliative care case study For this assignment, you will produce a 1500 word written response to three short answer prompts. The prompts are based on a case study and highlight common considerations in palliative […]
Despite increased abilities across developmental realms, including the maturation of pain systems involving self-regulation and the coordination of affect and cognition, the transition to young adulthood is accompanied by higher rates of mortality, greater engagement in health-damaging behaviors, and an increase in chronic conditions. Rates of motor vehicle fatality and homicide peak during young adulthood, […]
Introduction A Best Interests Assessor (BIA) is a caregiver who is typically knowledgeable and experienced in the field of social and health care. Their job is to investigate and explore people’s lives while caring for them. Furthermore, they provide an honest assessment of the nature of their care. They typically play an independent, but critical, […]
PROJECT (Total grade = 25%) Action Plan Proposal This assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge and applies that theoretical learning to a practice situation. The assessment consists of two parts: a) an Individual written assessment – Action Plan Proposal; and b) a Group Presentation. Part A: Individual Written Assessment (Action Plan Proposal) Due Date: Week […]