Initial posts are original contributions based on the assigned discussion board prompt. The initial post should be 225-250 words in length, clearly refer to course materials and demonstrate mastery of course material. In additional to an initial post, each student is expected to make response posts. After reviewing the “Aging Simulation Instructions” in this week’s […]
For this Homework help – Discussion, review the case study entitled “Social Work Research: Measuring Group Success(below).” Consider the data analysis described in that case. Recall the information presented in the earlier chapters of your text about formulating research questions to inform a hypotheses or open-ended exploration of an issue. an explanation of the […]
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the potential impact of white privilege on clients from both dominant and minority groups (consider impact of both positive and negative stereotypes). Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how intersecting identities might impact an individual’s experience (for […]
Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog. By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of the individual, family, and group context in your field education experience My internship jasmine trangucci-clinical social worker in private practice Required Readings Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018: […]
Please see the attached Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric to complete this assignment Part 1: Practice I Individual Assessment The assessment is to be done in narrative format, using the major 6 headings to distinguish between the sections of the assessment (Use these headings in your assessment to make it easy to […]
PROGRAMME SYNOPSIS Aims and Objectives: This module provides the knowledge and opportunities for skills development which are required for practising in the formal role of a Best Interests Assessor (BIA). The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a statutory framework to guide decision making on behalf of those who lack the mental capacity to make decisions […]
Analyze The Potential Effectiveness Resulting From Professional Or Nurse-Provided Social Support Versus Enhancement Of Social Support Provided By Personal Relationship And Social Networks For Parents Of Children With Chronic Mental Illness. Parents of children with chronic mental illness face numerous challenges in providing care for their children. They must navigate complex healthcare systems, manage medications, […]
Cardiorespiratory Complexities NRS 410V Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses. Through interaction with your instructor and classmates, you will explore the course material and be provided with the best opportunity for […]
Substance Use Disorders: Assessment and Intervention Fall 2022 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to teach methods for assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment of the person with substance use disorders in social service, mental health, medical, rehabilitative, and specialized substance abuse settings. It is directed to clinicians who work with (1) individuals with early stage […]
Think about your agency field placement or another social work setting. How is technology used in these settings for supervision and consultation? Describe the setting and the technology used. Based on your personal experience, what do you see as the positives and negatives of TAST? If you have not experienced TAST, make a suggestion for […]