Building multicultural competence. In order to build multicultural competence, we must reflect on our experiences in the larger social context. Think about a time when you felt different from others or you felt singled out because of your background (race/ethnicity/gender/sexual orientation/age/immigration status/veteran status/active duty status/etc.). Describe the event and accompanying thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You […]
INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE EXEMPLAR AND TEMPLATE—READ CAREFULLY If you are struggling with the format or remembering what to include, follow the Focused SOAP Note Evaluation Template AND the Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric as your guide. It is also helpful to review the rubric in detail in order not to […]
Please pick 7 articles with the topic of Social Disorganization Theory and social disorganization indicators of nontraditional family, residential mobility, and poverty on property crimes rates committed by juveniles. While there are many indicators of social disorganization, this paper should focuses on three: nontraditional families, residential mobility, and socioeconomic status (poverty). I have attached one […]
QSEN and Effective Management of Care NUR2115 Module 2 Written Assignment – QSEN and Effective Management of Care Being able to understand how QSEN relates to care coordination and management of care is essential to quality and safety. Complete the template by explaining how each QSEN topic promotes safety and quality of care. Include a […]
Dealing with a Child Who Has a Terminal Disease Introduction When a child is diagnosed with a terminal disease, it is a devastating and overwhelming experience for the parents, siblings, relatives and friends. A terminal disease is one that has no cure and will eventually lead to death. Some examples of terminal diseases in children […]
NRSG374 Unit Outline Assessment Task 2 Details Students are to provide an 1800 word critique of the provided case study using only ONE CPG. To complete this task you will need to discuss and critique relevant elements of the CPG and case study whilst upholding the National Palliative Care Standards at least one of: • […]
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how the Theory of Chronic Sorrow can be used as a framework for planning care and identifying resources. Include 3 APA format in-text citations and references ______________________ The Theory of Chronic Sorrow, developed by Eakes, Burke, and Hainsworth in 1998, provides a framework […]
Vulnerable Populations ________________________________________ After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following; How effective are the resources in your community for the vulnerable populations we have discussed over the past 2 weeks? In which areas is there room for improvement? Submission Instructions: • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted […]
Unit 2.1 DB: Human Services Codes of Ethics After reviewing the codes of ethics of the National Human Services Organization, the American Counseling Association, and the National Association of Social Workers address the following questions with examples from the codes of ethics: What are the major ethical principles of human services that these organizations all […]
MODULE NAME: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES IN SOCIAL WORK ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Choose at least two social work theories; explain their main principles, advantages and disadvantages and apply them to the assessment, planning and intervention in one of the case studies provided below. Homework help – Discuss your rationale for choosing the theories selected. Case Study 2: Ramesh […]