Question description Part 1 Among the different forms of fixed-price contracting, determine the single most significant form that you believe would benefit the small-business owner the most. Explain your answer. Part 2 Analyze how the small-business owner can take advantage of economic price adjustment. Give your opinion of what you believe would happen if the present economic situation […]
Question description Imagine that you are a contracts officer for the Department of Energy (DOE). You have been asked to review bids from contractors who have developed a new widget for saving the American public twenty-five percent (25%) on their energy bills. Once an award is made, the contractors will receive the contract, which includes […]
Question description Part 1 From the e-Activity, take a position on whether or not all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16 can be grouped into the two broad categories: fixed price contracts and cost reimbursement contracts. Support your position. eActivity: Read the article titled “Contract Types” located here. Be prepared to discuss. Part 2 From the e-Activity, take a position […]
Question description short answer questions 1-If you had the responsibility of drawing your state’s congressional district lines after the census, what factors would you consider?2-What would be the most important factor guiding your design?3- How might influences such as congressional colleagues, your constituents at home, interest groups, or your staff affect your work on the national dept […]
Question description “Contract Termination and Closeout” Please respond to the following:Per the text, the government has the right to terminate a contract whenever it is in their best interest or convenience. However, the text does not reference termination of contracts for alleged contractor support of terrorist groups. From the e-Activity, analyze the dilemma discussed in the […]
Question description The issue here is how to communicate with the new sales personnel. They need more scientific training than you originally envisioned, and you must redesign the hiring process to include a training program, which should include a needs analysis. How would you retrain these valuable personnel?How would you redesign your recruitment efforts in the […]
Question description The doctrine of respondeat superior is central to the employment relationship. Please respond to all of the following prompts: Respondeat superior is an axiomatic concept in employment law. As a paralegal working in the worker’s compensation area, it is important to fully understand the nature, purpose, and goals of the doctrine. Define respondeat […]
Question description Juvenile offenders are a population that correctional agencies must handle differently than adult offenders. While the high-level process flow for dealing with juvenile offenders resembles that of adult offenders within the correctional system, unique differences do exist. In your initial post, identify and describe at least two differences in the way juvenile offenders […]
Question description Review this infographic from Turnitin called “The Plagiarism Spectrum: Tagging 10 Types of Unoriginal Work.” Think for a moment about where you have seen these kinds of plagiarism in action in real life. Think about the workplace, the news, music and the arts, and so on. Write a page paper – Describe […]
Question description From the first e-Activity, suggest one (1) key strategy that managers may use in order to combat workplace stress productively in today’s work environment. Provide support for your strategy. From the second e-Activity, determine the style of leadership that the admired business leader uses and the fundamental ways in which that style contributes […]