2.1 Learning Outcomes: • Understand problem solving • Analyze problems • Work with problem owners and stakeholders • Develop effective problem statements • Determine causes • Simplify complex problems • Identify and manage risks • Avoid problem-solving traps 2.2 Action Required: Watch the short video in the following link: “The 7 step decision making process” […]
Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the efforts of an organization in order to achieve its goals. It involves making decisions and taking actions to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively in order to achieve desired outcomes. There are several principles of management that are commonly referred to in […]
HRM Theory This is assignment two of transformational paper (I would love to work with people who did the transformational paper) Assignment Task You are required to produce an essay which critically evaluates a contemporary HRM theory and applies your theoretical conceptual framework to a specific organisation’s practice and comments on how theory fits with practice in relation to that organisation. Both […]
Financial Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Job Withdrawal Behaviours among Young Financial Workers Financial stress refers to the psychological and emotional strain that individuals experience when they are facing financial challenges or uncertainty. This can include issues such as debt, financial insecurity, and the inability to meet financial obligations. Financial stress can have a range of […]
Chinese maritime policies for its near seas and relationship context with international maritime laws- conflict of core objectives? China has a long history of maritime trade and navigation, and in recent years, it has become increasingly active in the near seas region, including the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Yellow Sea. […]
A Dissertation Prospectus Doctoral students typically present their dissertation prospectus at an annual conference in their third year. This conference is an opportunity for students to present their ideas to faculty and colleagues and receive feedback as they begin the process of researching and writing their dissertation. After the conference, students may receive approval for […]
Justification of the concept of unseaworthiness for settlement rights of seamen- a discussion. The concept of unseaworthiness is a legal term that refers to a vessel’s lack of fitness for its intended purpose. This can include issues related to the vessel’s physical condition, as well as the competence and fitness of the crew. When a […]
Students write dissertation proposals for a number of reasons. First and foremost, a dissertation proposal is often required as part of the application process for a postgraduate degree program, such as a Master’s or PhD. In this case, the proposal serves as a way for the student to demonstrate their research interests and capabilities to […]
Writing a PhD research proposal A PhD research proposal is a document that outlines the scope and significance of a proposed PhD research project. It explains the research question, the proposed methods for addressing it, and the potential significance of the project. A PhD research proposal is typically required as part of a PhD application, […]
A thesis statement is a crucial element that can be found in various forms of writing, such as a debate speech, a lawyer’s closing argument, or even an advertisement. However, it is most commonly found in an essay. A thesis statement is necessary in an essay as it helps to organize and focus the main […]