Compare deontology and utilitarianism ethical theory research. When moral dilemmas emerge, medical practitioners apply ethics in decision making. Utilitarianism and deontology are ethical theories. Also known as the consequentialist approach, utilitarianism involves making decisions based on the outcomes. Immanuel Kant founded deontology. It is following duties and obligations. Ethics has four foundational principles; autonomy, beneficence, […]
How to write a discussion paper Writing a discussion paper may seem simple but it can be complex particularly if you are not certain about how to go about it. A discussion paper is an essay that discusses and analyzes a topic. It entails opinions, ideas, and evidence both from the writer and other sources. […]
The implementation of electronic health records Electronic health records (EHRs) encompasses the storage of patient’s information in digital format. This includes information such as the patient’s name, gender, age, and diagnosis. It also includes weight, medical history, billing information, laboratory tests, among others. A decade ago practitioners advocated for the use of EHR to improve […]
Data collection ethics in primary healthcare Data collection is fundamental in primary health care and health research. It not only provides necessary information about patients, but it also offers a basis for finding solutions to health-related problems. Some ethics dictate guidelines of data collection from patients without infringing on their rights. First, the patient has […]
The basics of osteoarthritis treatments for elderly patients The wearing out of the protective cartilage at the end of the bones causes osteoarthritis. It majorly affects joints on the knees, spine, arms, and hip. Although it affects all people, it is highly prevalent among the aged. Osteoarthritis is treatable using medication and physical exercise. The […]
How to deal with people in a hospital that comes to know about their major diseases like Cancer or AIDS in the Hospital. Informing patients of severe medical conditions that they are suffering from can be traumatizing not only to the patient but also to the health provider. It should be done cautiously and in […]
Ways of preventing nurses from burnout Burnouts have devastating consequences on an individual and also a health institution. They cause job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, low morale, fatigue, and decreased quality of work. They also lead to errors that can be harmful to the patient. Stress and competitiveness in the workplace cause burnouts. In a hospital setting, […]
New diseases and the role of nurse professionals to understand them Nurses are frontline health caregivers. They play critical roles in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. When new diseases emerge, nurses are at the center of the entire process of understanding them and relaying information. Their response determines whether the condition will […]
The Development of the Most Effective Diagnosing Methodology in Case of Emergency Performing a diagnosis is one of the most critical roles a physician does. It not only determines the problems a patient is suffering from but also gives guidance on the necessary intervention. In emergency departments, physicians are supposed to diagnose a condition within […]
Lord of the Flies (Men are inherently evil) Lord of the Flies is a novel authored by William Golding. It is a story about a group of young boys who had a plane crash on a deserted island. The boys were escaping from England due to war when the plane got shot. Initially, the boys […]