Case Study: Major DEA Case Review Search the web for a major DEA drug case and provide a review of that specific case. You will describe the law enforcement operations, enforcement strategies, subsequent prosecution of the case, etc. Also, you will relate the reported or projected impact of the case on drug supply reduction in […]
Gun Control Most African Americans never considered buying guns until the recent turn of events. The article by Brown et al. (2020) titled “I’m a black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country” reflects the sentiments most African Americans are sharing of late. According to the authors, people of color within […]
Implementation and Evaluation of Community Policing Implementation and Evaluation of Community Policing Policing in America has undergone circles of criticism over the years following several incidents of profiling and discrimination. To improve police-civilian relations, revive public trust in law enforcement and reduced reckless shootings and misconduct by police, community policing agencies have been established. The […]
Applied Learning Journal Abuse of Power I was driving in town and decided to do some shopping in a certain shopping Center. I noticed the parking lot was fully parked apart from a few slots on the far left corner. The slots were not reserved, so I decided to park my car in one of […]
Psychology Question: I need help writing my essay – research paper be sure to fully address question. These are considered essay questions. Answer in complete sentences and be careful to attend to the details of each question. Number and repeat original question before each response. The information for completing this assessment activity is provided with […]
Psychology Question: This is for social justice class, Applied Theory This additional section will be graded separately and will be counted as your Paper #2. Read the format requirements for its required length. Topic: Check out this link and watch video on top of the page. Then watch this opinion piece: Afterwards, apply […]
Psychology Question: Explain how each recent theoretical perspective regards children and adults as active contributors to their own developments. Why might a researcher choose structured observation over naturalistic observation? How about the reverse? Cite evidence indicating that both heredity and environment contribute to the development of individuals with PKU and Down Syndrome. Imagine that you […]
Psychology Price: Question: In this assessment, you will review and analyze the case study “Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad,” applying human behavior theories and concepts to develop targeted solutions. For Milestone One, review the organization in the case study provided, looking specifically at organizational issues and complete Section I of […]
Question: Kafka’s The Metamorphosis is considered by some to describe the human condition in the modern world. Focusing on Gregor and his life, what would you consider to be particularly modern? Name two or three things. (Keep in mind that the book was published in 1915; “modern” thus refers to the early 20th century, not […]
Social Psychology Question: Reading the Mind in the Eyes Homework Assignment In this assignment you will complete two short tasks involving reading emotions and a brief questionnaire that measures autistic tendencies in adults. Follow the instructions and answer the questions below. Decoding Smiles Follow the link to a survey that tests your ability to tell […]