Read the Business Problem—Solving Case Study “How Supply Chain Management Problems Killed Target Canada” in Chapter 9 of the textbook. Answer the questions at the end of the case and use the textbook information to write your answers for support. You can also use external sources to assist in elevating and supporting your answers. Paper […]
An elevator pitch is a critical tool for start-up businesses (or any business seeking funding) to have. In f1 through 3, your Group built the framework and an initial business plan for your proposed opportunity. In f3, you prepared a pitch slide deck for the North Dallas Business Angel Syndicate (NDBAS). In f 4, your […]
(Brittany)The Women of Gawain and the Green Knight When looking back at the literature writings we have discussed earlier in the semester, we have noticed how women characters were very few and far between. When they were mentioned in these literature writings, they were background figures mentioned every now and then and not meant to […]
Help in a comparative genocide study Research Paper: “Applying and Evaluating ‘The Model’ in the Herero/German South West Africa Case” The 200-point (total) Research Paper will be a totally original (limited quoting or even extended paraphrasing) evaluative analysis using “The Model,” to explain the genocide of the Herero in German South West Africa at the […]
1. Overview of the Retailers (1 page) a. Retailer A (Replace this subsection title with a retailer’s name. Apply this to all sections below.) [Provide an overview of Retailer A in the following areas: industry type (e.g., grocery business, department stores, apparel business, consumer electronics business), retailer type (Ch. 2), key merchandise categories, the website […]
How to measure outcomes: Summative and formative Develop your program and lesson outcomes. What should participants achieve by the end of the educational program? How will you know they have learned and/or changed behavior? You will need to decide on the overall purpose of the program and how many lessons you will have. There should […]
Here is some feedback: – Your intro should be rooted in research and the problem in the larger context of education. You can bring in some personal reflection, but more research. You seem to have done this, but I wanted to just state this to be clear. -lit review: all of the studies seem appropriate. […]
You are the new Human Resources Director of a company that has a history of questionable ethics (no major scandals, but the public is aware). In your first year in the position what would you do to change the ethical climate, individual and group ethical decision making, and accountability for ethics? 2 pages. ———- You’ve […]
CCJ 323: JUVENILE DELINQUENCY RESEARCH PAPER FORMAT Your research paper must address one or more aspects of juvenile delinquency. The central topic is one of your own choosing, but must involve an examination of a relevant problem relating to juvenile delinquency, theoretical considerations of the problem, empirical research into the causes, correlates, and controls, and […]
1. Why is accreditation by CARF important to rehabilitative facilities and their patients? What role might the health information manager play in the CARF accreditation process for a rehabilitative facility? 2. How might the practice of health information management in various settings be affected by implementing a bundled payment system for post-acute care? 3. What […]