Florida’s nursing practice standards are a joint effort between the Florida Board of Nursing and the Florida Department of Health. The purpose of these standards is to identify neglected aspects of nursing practice and establish new standards that can address medical, technological, or federal regulations. This process begins with a need identification and subsequent working […]
Symptoms of Celiac Disease – a disease with no symptoms Celiac disease, also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestine. It is triggered by the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Although it is widely believed that celiac disease is a condition without […]
Euthanasia is a vast topic for a research paper or discussion. You can choose to talk about its historical aspects, its relation to law, its ethical problems, the attitude towards pediatric euthanasia, and many more. Euthanasia is a vast topic for a research paper or discussion. You can choose to talk about its historical aspects, […]
Managing the Acutely Ill Patient Using a case study approach, students will discuss and reflect on the care management of an acutely ill patient, taking account of best available evidence (2500 words). Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this assessment and this module, you will have demonstrated your ability to: 1. Critically appraise assessment, planning, […]
Increased Methamphetamine, Injection Drug, and Heroin Use Among Women and Heterosexual Men with Primary and Secondary Syphilis — United States, 2013–2017 | MMWR (cdc.gov)Links to an external site. Babies Are Dying of Syphilis. It’s 100% Preventable. — ProPublicaLinks to an external site. Congenital syphilis Cooper SanchezLinks to an external site. Optional: Substance Use Among Persons […]
Investigating Pandemics and Epidemics: Understanding the spread of infectious diseases is important in controlling and preventing pandemics and epidemics. The investigation of pandemics and epidemics involves a multidisciplinary approach, including public health, epidemiology, laboratory science, and clinical medicine. Public health officials play a crucial role in identifying and tracking outbreaks, determining the source of the […]
Assessment Description Perform the preassessment Mind Mapping activity located on the first page of at least one chapter in your textbook assigned for this topic. What did you learn while reading the chapter? What was reinforced? Remember there are no right or wrong answers. Personal and Professional Growth for Health Care Professionals Tipton, D. J. […]
Maternity Clinical Medication Cards Name of Drug: Trade and generic name MUST include pregnancy classification Usual Dosage: Route, dosage, usual frequency Indications: Specific to maternity or newborn Adverse Effects Precautions/Contraindications Interactions: Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include concerns with breastfeeding Nursing considerations: Make this specific […]
Mr. Sweet, 38 years old, is brought to the Emergency Department unresponsive. He has a history of Type 1 diabetes and has been sick for the last 3 days. On admission his Blood sugar is 532, Potassium is 7.2 and ABG results include pH 7.08, Bicarb 12, and CO2 28. His VS are HR 116, […]
Sample Assignment: Introduction: The ANS is the part of the nervous system that supplies the internal organs and structures, including the blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands. Two divisions of ANS (the sympathetic and parasympathetic) have opposite functions. As we learned, the sympathetic nervous […]