DQ 5: Geriatric-nurse and a home health coordinator Part 1: Ethical (Ace my homework – Write in the first person) 1. How often do you engage with or witness death in your work? (geriatric-nurse and a home health coordinator) 2. How has this experience or the lack of it shaped your view of death? (include: […]
DQ: Model for genocide prevention based on For this paper, you will be asked to develop a model for genocide prevention based on everything you have learned so far. Your research should include an analysis of genocide through a theoretical framework, as well as possible solutions to the issue. Also include an analysis of what […]
DQ 13: Legislators on nurse patient staffing ratios. Aiken, L.H., Sloane, D.M., Cimiotti, J.P., Clarke, S.P., Flynn, L., Seago, J.A., Spetz, J., & Smith, H. (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, April 9). Implications of the California nurse staffing mandate for other states. Health Services Research. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j… AFL-CIO […]
Assignment 9: Importance of HIPAA regulations. Complete an 5-8 slide presentation on the importance of HIPAA regulations. Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss why following the law is necessary and any challenge(s) health care professionals face in upholding the laws. Talk about why it’s important to follow […]
DQ 15: Healthcare-related laws in your department. As a health care manager, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with various healthcare-related laws in your department. For this assignment, you will create a fictional scenario involving yourself as a manager: Construct a scenario where one of the following laws is violated: False Claims Act Anti-Kickback Statute […]
Assignment 13: Addiction For this paper the research topic is Addiction and the research question is What are student perceptions on addictive behavior? Ace my homework – Write an 8-10 page paper (2,000-2,500 words) about the results of the survey conducted by the class; double spaced, 12-point font, 1 inch margins with page numbers, in […]
Assignment 14: Culture of health and wellness 1. What is the culture of health and wellness in the United States between the United states and France? What is the difference between the United States and France when it comes to health and wellness? 2. How can you build a culture of health and wellness? 3. […]
Development of a Population Health Care Delivery The assignments for Units 6–9 will be focused on a Population Health Care Delivery Project. The four components of this Population Health Care Delivery Project include: community risk assessment intervention development implementation plan evaluation plan In this unit you will complete the Community Risk Assessment which is the […]
DQ 13: Role of home health nursing The purpose of this paper is to describe the community health nursing role of home health nursing in the community setting of your choice. Health promotion nursing interventions and a professional nursing organization related to this role will also be examined. Directions This Ace homework tutors – APA […]
DQ 13: Physical factors affecting community health. TOPIC 1: The physical, social, and environmental aspects of community health. 1. List and explain at least three physical factors affecting community health. 2. Explain how social norms may be a factor affecting community health. 3. Explain how President Eisenhower’s heart attack in the 1950s was a major […]