A controversial issue today in the American legal system is the justification of the use of force by police officers, given the actions and conduct of citizens. In this assignment, you will explore the requirements for use of force, constitutional rights pursuant to the Bill of Rights when it comes to free speech, and criminal […]
Component 1: You will explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper (12 point font, double spaced) The paper should be professionally written and typed using correct grammar and spelling. Use the response template, Download response template to […]
This week you will turn in a draft of your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” work. It should contain the following sections: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals. The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, […]
Resumés and cover letters are 2 ways writing is used in the professional world. These documents are often a potential employee’s introduction to a prospective employer and can be key in career advancement. For this assignment, you will identify an employment opportunity you are interested in. This might be a job you are currently considering […]
Topic selected comparing Average Length of Stay between Acute Care and Not Acute Care Hospitals”. He wants us to review 5 articles on literature reviewed. There are 2 parts to this assignment. Part 1 is a qualitative analysis using Review Manager 5 tools to analyze the risk of bias for 5 articles from the literature […]
Gender and racial/ethnic status are variables that contribute to one’s vulnerability status. For each, identify and describe three reasons why these variables contribute to vulnerability (10 points). Describe a minimum of three stressors that vulnerable populations face post-disaster (10 points). As an emergency manager, identify five steps would you take to meet the needs of […]
Running Head: CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 1 CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN 17 The senior leadership of your organization is preparing for its annual three day meeting. During these meetings, one day is devoted to current events / issues which the company finds itself needing to address. For this year’s meeting, you have been […]
The Final Project should address a workplace (current or previous) problem related to communication. What practice or process needs to be created or improved to facilitate communication at this workplace? What communication problem are you proposing to solve? I recommend that you structure it as you would a case analysis report (Ace homework tutors – […]
Getting StartedSpeaking out from the crowd Warren Bennis (2007) observed that leaders, followers, and a common goal are inseparable, and the leadership process is grounded in the follower-leader relationship. The leadership academy as well as the vast majority of research conducted in the field of organizational leadership, until recent years, has been considered to be […]
Introduction: Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. You have been asked to write a blog post of 2-3 typed pages about an event from the last 3 months involving U.S. political issues or policies. Step […]