DQ8B. 250 words max Research at least 3 port scanner applications that you can download onto your computer or virtual machine VM. Install and run each of them. Examine the results. Based on your study, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Which one of these scanners would you recommend to your organization? Why? […]
CULTURAL EVENT All Cultural Events must be documented on this form, even if the presenter provided a sign-in sheet. INSTRUCTIONS & GUIDELINES 1. Attend the cultural event. 2. Validate your participation with a signature from the sponsor of the event or the event speaker, ON THIS FORM. A student’s signature WILL NOT be accepted. 3. […]
Overview: In your textbook, please review and complete the Assignment 9A: Process Analysis of A Real Conflict (p. 468 – 469). The focus of the assignment is not the analysis of the pros and cons of each position being facilitated , but rather the approach, skills, and strategies used by the “facilitator” in relation to […]
Review the Weekly Activities for Week 2. Ace my homework – Write a brief report with at least two paragraphs. Submit this as a Word document. The report should address: What areas did I have difficulty with and what areas did I find easy to understand? Was I successful in my time management or did […]
End-of-Course Reflection [due Saturday] Create a reflective and applied statement describing how the material from Weeks 5-8 has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should reflect your personal learning process (challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, and interactions). You may also include questions for the course facilitator regarding material that may […]
MS Project software is required for the course. MS Project 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online or higher is preferred since the text tracks with this version.Chapter 3 (No practice files are necessary to complete the practice tasks in this chapter.) Create a new plan and set its start […]
Case Study – 1 (Report to be submitted) Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of healthcare services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000 part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan; key goals include reducing internal costs, increasing cross-selling […]
Component 1: You will explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper (12 point font, double spaced) The paper should be professionally written and typed using correct grammar and spelling. Use the response template, Download response template to […]
This week you will turn in a draft of your “Personal Philosophy and Theoretical Concepts” work. It should contain the following sections: Nursing Autobiography: A brief (1 page) discussion of your background in nursing. This does not include future goals. The Four Metaparadigms: Describe what the literature says about the basic four metaparadigms/concepts of patient, […]
Resumés and cover letters are 2 ways writing is used in the professional world. These documents are often a potential employee’s introduction to a prospective employer and can be key in career advancement. For this assignment, you will identify an employment opportunity you are interested in. This might be a job you are currently considering […]