[1] Compute Histogram for image recognition (50pts) Data set: the NWPU aerial data set contains approximately 45 categories of 700 images for each category in 256×256 RGB format. The data set can be downloaded from: https://umkc.box.com/s/fxvzh5qq2tiob6eklfxfwn89kg3e1io1 For HW-1, let us just take the first 15 classes (shown above) {airplane, airport, bridge, …, freeway} from the […]
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE POLICY The company expects that all employees are entirely aware, understand, and follow the policies and regulations put in place in the work environment. The Progressive Discipline Policy defines the procedure to be followed in correcting one and repeat episodes of an employee’s failure to adhere to the regulations and the workplace expectations […]
Question 1 The constitution should not include an overall criminal code applicable through the country because different states have different jurisdictional laws. Criminal codes vary from state to state others adopt the penal codes model while other states adopt the common law. This is defined by their difference in public policies that shape the nature […]
Professional Ethical Considerations Writing Assignment #2- The previous assignment is enclosed for reference. Internship is being done at a Criminal Defense Firm. Answer the following questions according to the guidelines in the syllabus. 1. Describe the code of ethics for your internship location. 2. In your opinion, what ethical challenges does your internship location face […]
Ethics in IT Introduction Offensive cyber warfare has resulted in a wide range of ethical problems due to unconventional weapons that cause collateral damage to civilians when attacks are launched on government or military computer systems, thus requiring the adoption of ethical policies to counter such incidences. Cyberweapons have difficulties launching attacks on their targets […]
Making Money from Real Estate Investment In a 750 word paper in IWG format, use an online mortgage calculator to analyze and discuss the case study described below. Your calculations should be used to complete the worksheetPreview the document provided, and then submit the worksheet along with your written answers to the questions asked in […]
Access Control in Security Management Describe how you would create a layered access control solution using IDS, ACS, CCTV and Biometrics. In addition, describe the five major forms of biometrics along with their strengths and weaknesses. Access Control in Security Management Access controls entail the defense system’s layering to secure the inside and outside perimeter […]
all the instructions in the files. (125 words) Assume you are a lawyer arguing a case in the Fifth Circuit of Appeals in New Orleans on the issue of whether or not prisoners can be required to cut their hair short and to have a haircut every month. Your client, an inmate in prison in […]
Computer Sciences and Information Technology Complete Case Study #2, China’s Great Firewall located at the end of Chapter 5 in the book page number 215, then answer the following questions: Describe an internet-sovereignty model that may be acceptable to countries controlling internet flow yet allow freedom of expression. What ethical and economic factors should a […]
The Fourth Amendment and Digital Evidence After you choose your particular topic, search the news and find an example in today’s society that illustrates the concept reflected in that aspect of the amendment. Your paper should be structured as follows: AMENDMENT—FULLY WRITTEN PARTICULAR ASPECT OF THE AMENDMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ILLUSTRATIONS OF CONTROVERSY IN THE NEWS—FIND […]