Most students know that the word “Renaissance” comes from the Latin/Italian literally translated as “again birth” or “rebirth”. This term will generally lead one to ask, “why was a rebirth necessary” and “if society was to be reborn, what would it base its new life on?” Another question is “did society need to be reborn […]
You have already developed a thesis statement and developed an outline in which you explored two (2) real-life international incidents from the past five (5) years involving the United States as they received an elevated status as a world power. Now you will develop the final paper in which you explore your main points in […]
Analyze the assumptions made within your stated hypothesis Interpretive Analysis Essay PurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to produce an essay that critically analyzes a course film by synthesizing what you’ve learned this quarter about how film comments on the human condition and how film style and narrative communicates this message. The synthesis of research, […]
Write a page paper – Describe s the Three Races in the United States (1835) In a landmark examination of the American society and culture, Alexis de Toqueville’s Democracy in America offered a unique outsiders perspective on liberty and its limitations amongst the inhabitants of the United States, particularly in the relations of three […]
Discussed and debated of china”s early rulers The founder of the Qin dynasty, Qin Shihuangdi (r. 221-210 BCE), is one of the most discussed and debated of China’s early rulers. Would you call his role in Chinese history more destructive or creative, and why? Write a page paper – Describe and explain the impact of […]
Does christian morality always have to be a reactive Nietzsche claims that Christianity is a “slave morality” and that it is “nihilistic”. Explain what he means by this and tell me whether or not you agree. Is he fair in his assessment? Where might he be coming from? Use historical or contemporary examples of particular […]
Exploring innovation in action Sewing up the competition – innovation in the textile and clothing industry Manufacturing doesn’t get much older than the textile and clothing industry. Since the earliest days when we lived in caves there’s been a steady demand for something to wrap around us to keep warm and to protect the more […]
There is an expression often used by military historians that says, “Know thy enemy.” One reason to adhere to such an adage is that knowing your enemy’s philosophy, capabilities, habits, fears, strengths, and more allows one to better design appropriate defenses and preventative measures. This tenet is not always well-considered or remembered, however. For this […]
Compare two different narratives about causes of civil war Contemp U.S. History “Lost Cause” Please respond to the following: (Note: Please respond to one of the following two bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 125 words). From the e-Activity about the Lost Cause, compare the two different narratives about the causes and […]
Week 4; Chapter 9 – Gender Inequality Read Lecture notes; read text Chapter 9, pgs. 239-270. Watch film on gender inequality in the USÂ Â We live and work in Silicon Valley. After you complete the text readings read this URL from the standpoint of women, and women of color in the workplace in Silicon […]