Verbal Assessment guide: Key (1) Citation- include this in your group’s bibliography in alphabetical order. (2) Introduction- briefly describe the research area and the researchers. (3) Aims & Research methods- state if the research is qualitative or quantitative, mixed methods or Kaupapa Maori, and briefly outline the methods. (4) Scope- where was the research caried […]
World of Maths Assignment 3: Presentation submission point Assignment details Word/time limit: 6 minute video (+/- 1 minute) Weighting: 30% Due date: 5pm AEDT Monday 8 May 2023 (Week 8) In this unit, you will be required to use Studio for creating and submitting video content for Assignment 3: Presentation. Details on what you need […]
IAB402 – IS Consulting – 2023 S1 Mini-Proposal | Assignment 1 DUE – WEEK 7 via Canvas [due by Friday 21 April 2023 @ 11:59 PM (23:59)] 20% = 15% Proposal + 5% (Peer & Tutor Review) Ace my homework – Write a 5 page (maximum) Mini-Proposal for the following Consulting Engagement We write to […]