Week 2: Insurance coding and billing Insurance coding and billing is complex, but it boils down to how to accurately apply a code, or CPT (current procedural terminology), to the service that you provided. The payer then reimburses the service at a certain rate. As a provider, you will have to understand what codes to […]
Carper’s Patterns of Knowing Discusion 7 Think of a surprising or challenging practice situation in which you felt underprepared, unprepared, or uncomfortable. Select an important nursing issue/topic that was inherent to the identified situation. As a method of refection, use Carper’s Patterns of Knowing to analyze the situation. In a two- to three-page paper address […]
IOM IOM Future Of Nursing Report Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 In a formal paper of 1,000-1,250 words you will discuss the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine research that led to […]
Reimbursement Methodologies Week 8 Coding systems are different and so are payment methodologies. Coding is important in reimbursement. 1. Refer to Chapter 4, focus on Payment Methodologies and discuss the various payment systems. Demonstrate understanding of fee for service, cost based, and prospective payment systems. 2. Explain medical necessity and how it impacts payment. 3. […]
Disability Culture Plunge Portfolio Week 8 For this assignment you are required to develop a portfolio that showcases your experience through a disability culture plunge (You can find a list of activity and event options on Blackboard). A culture plunge can be defined as exposure to a culture that is different from our own and […]
Disorders Of The Nervous System Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 -Imagine you are an official in a hospital or public health agency. -Ace my homework – Write a memo, at least 350 words in length, to a fictional colleague in which you use 5 words […]
Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6: Legal and medical ethics A. Research and define the following terms as they relate to the legal and medical ethics presented in the story My Sister’s Keeper. These are the central issues needed to base a medical opinion about any […]
Anemia Of Chronic Disease Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 Mr. X is a 34y/o Hispanic male who presented to the emergency room for a fatigue, dyspnea and chest pain which started yesterday morning. He has been experiencing some nausea, vomiting, and reports that he is […]
Without the usability features inherent in effective design, informatics systems may overwhelm a user with data. This portion of your Scholar-Practitioner Project requires that you put to use the informatics display techniques that are covered in this week’s Learning Resources. To complete this week’s portion of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, create a mock-up screen of a […]
Abnormal Values Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 7 Case Scenario: Carmelita Gomez, age 8, is brought to the Children’s Clinic by her mother because she is nauseated and has vomited three times in the past 24 hours. Her urine has turned “tea colored”. Carmelita is lethargic […]