Individual Success Plan (ISP) NRS-493 HW 4 Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course preceptor. Students must establish a plan for successful completion of The required 50 community direct clinical practice experience hours, […]
Capstone Project Change Proposal Week 8 Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback. After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 […]
PICO and Literature Search Scenarios Week 5 Delegation: A unit employs RNs, LPN’s and PCTs (patient care techs) to provide direct care. The unit has had an issue with appropriate delegation. The PCTs and LPNs report that they are being asked to perform more than their “fair share”, and things they should not do. The […]
Effective communication Assignment 4 Effective communication Assignment 4 Effective communication is vital to constructing an accurate and detailed patient history. A patient’s health or illness is influenced by many factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, and environmental setting. As an advanced practice nurse, you must be aware of these factors and tailor your communication techniques accordingly. […]
Population Health Research And PICOT Statement Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the […]
Population Health Research And PICOT Statement Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the […]
Identifying Research Methodologies Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 6 Is there a difference between “common practice” and “best practice”? When you first went to work for your current organization, experienced colleagues may have shared with you details about processes and procedures. Perhaps you even attended an […]
Assignment 5: Concept of urogenital systemic infections 1. Anna works in a community outreach program for single mothers. Three of the mothers had no prenatal care, and subsequently their babies developed severe infections in utero. Baby Sandra has chlamydial pneumonitis; baby Blake was born at 29 weeks’ gestation and has ophthalmia neonatorum; baby Mitch has […]
Leadership Week 6 Chapter 8 Homework 1. Describe a situation in which the nurse manager would use problem resolution in the workplace. Describe a situation in which the nurse manager would use negotiation to resolve a conflict (or potential conflict) in the workplace. 2. Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the […]
Matrix Of Ethical Theories Homework 6 Matrix Of Ethical Theories Homework 6 Identify the professional code of ethics for your professional specialty or a specialty that you are interested in, describe the decision criteria, and analyze each theory using examples and the Ethical Theory Matrix Template. Moral Theories, Principles of Health Care Ethics, and Professional […]