Use the case of the Smith family linked above. Identify one presenting problem in the family and provide a rational as to why this is an area of focus for a treatment plan. Paper should follow the strict APA format for citation and referencing. Only the textbooks below can be used for paper. That’s why […]
Question description DISCUSSION POST 1: You have been running a group for sexual assault survivors for the last nine weeks. Despite your best efforts to provide a safe environment, validate the women’s experiences, and create a sense of hope, the group members often ask, “Will I ever get over this?” This is an important question, […]
Homework help – Discussion Response on Developmental crisis and the dissolution of dysfunctional personae|Psychology Select a colleague who was assigned a different client than you. Validate his or her perspective or propose an alternative perspective to at least one aspect of his or her posting (developmental level, rapport and engagement, or treatment). Support your response […]
Group programs are common in social work. Just as with other types of programs, social workers must understand the options available to them and know how to select the appropriate research design.For this Homework help – Discussion, you evaluate group research design methods that can be used for an outcome evaluation of a foster parent […]
Paper Instruction Title: Teenage Date Rape in America Case Analysis and Strategies of Intervention Plan Part 1– Case Analysis: This paper requires students to do library research on one form of trauma that people experience. Forms of trauma include, but are not limited to: assault, accidental injury, exposure to war, rape, life threatening illness, domestic […]
Let’s do another PowerPoint presentation similar to last week. That way you can use in-text citations on your slides, address the questions within the assignment, and provide a reference slide as well. Don’t go crazy with this one in term of length; Consider the overlap between intimate partner physical violence, sexual assault, psychological maltreatment, and […]
Assessment title: Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography – Evidence Based Practice Alignment with learning outcome(s): Learning Outcomes 3 and 5 Details of task: You are required to complete an annotated bibliography comprised of six research studies from academic journals regarding one of the FOP below. You will need to write a paragraph that introduces your FOP […]
Community Analysis • Assessment item 3 Final Essay Value: 40% Length: 2000-2500 Submission method options Task: Choose one of the case studies from topics 9-12 (rural youth suicide, family transition to rural living, environmental impacts on communities, work in and for communities, and the virtual community) and use one or more theories or concepts from […]