“I strongly believe that behind each frustration, stands a potentially great solution.” This statement by founder and CEO Michael Lahyani may seem rather simplistic, but the premise it puts forward is, in effect, a rather accurate summation of how this entrepreneur went about setting up (and succeeding with) his aforementioned online real estate classifieds enterprise. […]
Technology Plans Pretend that the school board wants to use more technology in both instruction and evaluation. Given the demographics of your school district, research three issues that a school board must consider when creating a technology implementation plan. Support your reasoning with at least one quality resource. Respond to one of your classmates. Online assignment […]
Help me study for my Computer Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. How Machine Learning Methodologies Help to Predict Student Behavior of Grades in a k12 Learning Environment within the United States: how it supported by the literature only – this is the Thesis of Ph.D. – No plagiarism. -No MY, we, our, I, […]
Cybersecurity Planning and Management Creating Company E-mail/WIFI/Internet Use Policies You have just been hired as the Security Manager of a medium-sized Financial Services company employing 250 people in New Hampshire, and have been asked to write two new security policies for this company. The first one is an e-mail policy for employees concentrating on personal […]
I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance. Hi! This essay should be double-spaced 3-4 pages long. It is due los angeles time February 11th 10:00 pm. I need help writing my essay – research paper use the essay plan and my teachers comments I have put on file for you. […]
Linux systems keep user account information in the passwd file and the encrypted password in the shadow file. The passwd file containing account information might look like this: smithj:x:1001:1001:John Smith:/home/smithj:/bin/bash The shadow file containing password and account expiration information for users might look like this: smithj:KJDKKkkLLjjwlnttqoiybnm.:10063:0:99999:7::: The fields in the shadow file are separated […]
I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation. Submit your revised draft Executive Homework help – Summary (the one that you first developed for peer review in Week 6 and then modified) in the appropriate assignment folder. This document must (1) address the problem, (2) provide simple background, (3) offer your proposed solution, […]
Information Literacy Project 2 : Sources in Conversation Name: Instructions Part 1: This ILP aims to help you understand the ways in which sources often converse with one another in scholarly research. For this assignment, you’ll need to find and read one (1) scholarly article relevant to your research project. Next, find a central claim […]
1. Former President Obama made the draw-down of active US military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan a centerpiece of his national policy. Critics maintain he simply transitioned open war to covert war through the use of drone strikes. To be successful, drone operations require an extremely high level of actionable intelligence. Critics assert the […]
Description You are coaching a sports team (pick your sport and level), and the team has a habit of losing concentration at critical times during the competition. You want to work with the athletes to enhance their concentration skills and keep their attention focused throughout the competition. Describe the evidence-based drills, exercises, and strategies you […]