Metacognition is the ability to be aware of and regulate one’s thought processes, which may improve one’s ability to effectively process information. Consider the benefits of being more aware of your own learning needs and how it might affect both your personal and professional goals. In your initial post, discuss the following: How could an […]
Assignment: Investigating a Crime: Phase II – Concepts Related to the Offense What does the analysis of evidence tell us about the general nature of the crime, the offender’s knowledge of the location of the crime, the risk level for the offender, the level of risk of the victim, and the relationship between the victim […]
The biopsychosocial model of health psychology incorporates biological, psychological and social factors to evaluate health-related behaviors and utilization of healthcare services. Our text reading this week focuses on stress and its relation to physical illness and psychological responses and coping. Using the Ashford Library, access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5) using the instructions […]
Assignment 300 words Color is all around us, but just how deeply integrated is the phenomenon Assignment 300 words Color is all around us, but just how deeply integrated is the phenomenon of color into our senses and neural pathways? Describe trichromatic theory and opponent-process theory of color vision, including the observations on which it […]
Community Education: Bullying and Teen Dating Violence For this week’s discussion, you will examine community education as it relates to bullying and teen dating violence. Bullying and teen dating violence are social issues that you may be required to address when working with youth. I need help writing my essay – research paper respond to […]
Walden University’s mission statement focuses on social change. (You can learn more about social change at Walden here: When considering the relevance of social change with respect to social and emotional development, one can reflect on laws instituted by policymakers. As a practitioner in the field, being aware of the channels for communicating with […]
In this discussion, you will consider social behavior and the various normative and informational social influences you encounter in your everyday life, including the impact of groups on individual thoughts, feelings, and actions. Complete the following: Appraise your behavior for a period of 24 hours. Identify at least 10 behaviors in which you engage that […]
In a 2-3 page paper, Describe the strategy (assigned in Week 7) you implemented in your Group Project. Assigned in Week 7, the strategy I implemented in my Group Project is: The major strategy is to coach the team members on behavioral improvement, communication, and thinking abilities to generate better ideas and deliver the group […]
Psychology 102: Paper Option to Substitute for Experimental Participation Each summary must be typed, double spaced, and must be at least one page, but no longer than two pages in length. Your instructor will evaluate the content of the paper, how well you have summarized the article you read, and will also consider grammar, spelling, […]
Over the past 40 years, a good deal of research has been conducted on how we shift attention to different locations in our visual world psychology Description Over the past 40 years, a good deal of research has been conducted on how we shift attention to different locations in our visual world. Researchers often use […]