In online business, building on someone else’s platform always comes with some risks. This topic is often discussed in entrepreneurial circles, but it’s not something too many business owners give a lot of thought to until they’re directly affected. Granted, these changes aren’t always to your detriment. But if you don’t have a backup plan, […]
You are to select 1 business that does not already have a Web site, and develop an Internet strategy for it. Most large corporations already have Web sites, so you may have to think of something on a smaller scale such as a local bike store. Sole proprietorship businesses that provide services like car […]
History Topic: “Precious Knowledge” Paper details: 300 words using chapter 16 (Acuna) and video of “Precious Knowledge”. Address the development and dismantling of the Chicano and Ethnic Studies program in Tucson. First, describe what you saw in the video. How did the students and teachers describe their experiences in these classes? Give specific examples from […]
Have you ever been picked on or made fun of because your nationality is different from someone else’s or the color of your skin? If so, then the person who did it was probably a racist person. Racism still exists within all cultures. Some people won’t admit they’re a racist, but their actions and words […]
Access the article, “Reflecting on Practice: Using Learning Journals in Higher and Continuing Education” (Titled Module 2_Langer’s Article for Critique.pdf) from the attachment. Supplemental documents in Shared Documents provide guidance, in complementary but slightly different ways. The ‘Suggestions for Writing Organized Papers’ document emphasizes how to organize and write an article critique. The ‘Writing a […]
compare/contrast business practices in your native country to that in the USA Business practices are an essential part of a country’s culture. In addition, the business practices in different countries are quite different. China and America are both big countries of the world, and they still have differences in business practices. In this essay I […]
Read through the below post and provide any on of the following: APA format 300 Words. .Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research. · Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. · Offer and support an alternative perspective […]
Memorandum This memo serves as an informative and analytical document discussing globalizations largest threat – global warming. I will address the following issues: • What is global warming and how is it being caused? • Who is contributing to its advancement? • The threats and consequences of global warming • Recommendations we can do to […]
IMPACT OF INDEX MONSOON INSURANCE IN INDIA Literature review •AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE IN INDIA-A PERSPECTIVE By Dr. A. Amarender Reddy Scientist (Agricultural Economics) Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur-208024. Abstract Background the paper reviewed the innovative techniques in agricultural/rural insurance, which overcome some of the disadvantages of yield based group insurance and suggests rainfall (weather) index […]
There are many ideas that revolve around what is quality assessment. What can be done to make sure that we are ‘building proficiency in basic skills, closing achievement gaps, and fostering the top notch knowledge and skills that students will need in a competitive global society’ (Scherer, 2009, p. 5). The following paper identifies five […]