The Laws in the Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement that started and grew through the years following the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 and with the help of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Patterson, 2001) marked an important period that accomplished more than ending segregation […]
You will be required to produce a 4-page(of content) research paper for this course. You will choose a topic from this timeframe and construct a well-organized and well researched paper explaining that topic. Content and Structure The paper should briefly introduce your chosen topic and clearly state a thesis that describes the purpose or argument contained in your paper. The body […]
Averting attention had always been far too easy for Deft. Imperial transponder codes, too easy to attain, to forge… or have forged. “Commander Derivan, you have permission to proceed to sector 478. Please sir, do be careful, it is a savage world.”, the comm officer pleaded. “Thank you for your concern officer, it is duly […]
Racism can be “defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes” […]
Money has been, throughout the history of humanity, an end and an aim for human action. In their pursuit of money, people have followed different paths; some honourable, legitimate and legal and others devoid of legality, honour and legitimacy. Indeed, in the short story collection Stories from Around the World complied by Hilary Patel, many […]
The polis was what they called the small, independent Greek city-states during the Classical period. It was a unique institution in that governance was not ruled by a monarchy as was usual with traditional states of the time, but a group of men who were either elected or chosen from among the nobility and later […]
Writer’s Notebook 1.1 The writer’s notebook is a place for reflection and for practicing writing skills. Each unit in this course will include two writer’s notebook assignments. Your first writer’s notebook assignment asks you to assess the challenges you might face this semester. Online courses can be difficult, especially for students who underestimate the time […]
Citing specific evidence from course materials, describe how the events of the 1850s further fractured Americans along regional lines regarding slavery. What key events pushed slavery to the forefront of political and social discourse in 1850s America? How did the North and South react to these events? Were there episodes of violence between pro and […]
FIRST EXAM Olwell – HIS 315K – Spring 2023 You will have until midnight on Monday, February 13, to submit your exam (as a single worddoc) on to the course canvas page. At the top of the first page, please write your name, then “Olwell – HIS 315k – Spring 2023,” and “First Exam”. Part […]
Name: [INSERT NAME HERE] Book Response Assignment 200 points (20% of course grade) Due Friday, November 18 (11:59pm) DIRECTIONS: This assignment is a response to Karen Cook Bell’s Running From Bondage: Enslaved Women and Their Remarkable Fight for Freedom in Revolutionary America. To complete this assignment, you must fully answer the below short-answer questions using […]