+++ +++ Week 3 DQ 1 (Due Tuesday) ? Question: Affirmative actionprograms were intended to remove institutional discrimination andgive minorities opportunities that had previously been unfairlydenied them. Do you support these programs? Do you think they haveworked as intended? Explain. – –
+++ +++ Considering that some Asian ethnic groups are sosuccessful should Asian complaints about subtle forms ofdiscrimination limiting their success be given the same attentionas similar comments from other far more disadvantagedgroups? – –
+++ +++ Mary Moore the CEO of Beta Inc. has called a management meeting to discuss a comprehensive fraud prevention program.She is very supportive of both internal audit and investigation functions and realizes it would be cost effective to have a comprehensive fraud prevention program.The management team wants to institute several steps to create a […]
Topic: Does lack of education lead to criminal behavior?Develop a testable hypothesis and describe its implication to the field of criminal justice
Discuss the relationship between social bonding theory and the various sociological school of crime causation and discuss how the social bonding theory affects conformity in America.
What would be the outcome if the case of Buck v. Bell were argued today? Does it matter what the criminal offense was? What if the offender volunteers?
Criminologists distinguish between which two conflicting perspectives on the origin of criminal law?I
+++ +++ While information systems has one meaning, it can be used in different ways for companies to keep a competitive edge on the marketplace. Compare and Contrast two distinctly different organizations on how they use information systems in their organizations. Include in your post the following: Research the 4 competitive strategies and briefly describe […]
+++ +++ What are current/contemporary issues that affect criminaljustice policy?How do these issues relate to theoverall development/implementation of policy?What wouldhappen if globalization wasnt considered whendeveloping/implementing criminal justicepolicy?Explain. – –
BCJ 240 Procedures in the Justice SystemMultiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)1. The supremacy clause states that __________.a. in conflicts with international law, United States law dominants b. the people are sovereign in the United States c. in conflicts between a federal and state law, the federal courts controls d. […]