Question description You just got a job with a new start up law firm. Two lawyers, Dawn and Karl, are starting a practice, planning to work in civil litigation, family law, criminal law, and estate planning. They hired you as the paralegal. Dawn has been working in a large law firm. She already owns an […]
Write a management report for campus security team leaders analyzing and evaluating campus crime data for Minnesota To complete this assessment, use data analysis software and the Campus Crime Data Excel file, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. The Excel file contains two data sheets: The Campus Crime Data for Minnesota (2009–2011) […]
Discuss at least three social-cognitive factors Discussion 1 Gangs and gang violence persist as a significant concern for criminal justice and society at large. Considering the social learning theory and the links to antisocial behavior, describe how social reinforcers and punishers as well as differential associations may be linked to gang involvement and gang-related delinquency. […]
What lessons we can take from the japanese experience The first Book Review is based upon required course readings that offer contemporary accounts of the lived experience of Confucianism and Islam. The reviews call for you to consider the contemporary expressions of these faiths and to reflect upon their relevance to your own and our […]
Discuss the cycles of helping in the american society History of Human Services. Discuss the history of helping behavior and human services in western culture. What factors have influenced our ability and willingness to help society members? Changing Nature of Helping. Write a page paper – Describe how societal circumstances shape helping behavior. Explain the […]
The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as engage in dialogue by responding […]
Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption can take many forms. Examples of corruption include bribery (soliciting, offering or accepting a bribe in money or in kind) involving public officials or people in the private sector, conflict of interest, fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, concealment and obstruction of justice, and trading in […]
Explain two technological developments that are common to law enforcement today |Law Criminals, law enforcement, and the public have access to many types of technology. Cell phones, G.P.S., home computers, and the Internet are commonplace. Advanced weaponry and security systems are used throughout our society as well. Technology has not only enhanced law enforcement effectiveness; […]
1. If perceiving discrimination is so consistently associated with negative feelings about yourself, why couldn’t a person simply change his or her view? Would that change the overall adverse effects of ambiguous bias? 2. Whites see themselves differently when they are in the minority compared to when they are in the majority. As our society […]
+++ +++ Criminal justice workers such as police andcorrectional officers judges and attorneys are commonly held toa specific standard of values. What are those values? Why are theyheld to these values? Should they be held to a certain set ofvalues? – –