The final “exam” for this class is a 10-page research essay, which you must submit on Canvas by the due date and time. This paper culminates our study of Middle East politics, and serves as your final exam. It comprises 30% of your total course grade. Late expositions will suffer a scoring penalty of one […]
Theoretical Conceptualization Report This assignment is the first component of two that together comprise the Final Case Study Project. First, review the Final Case Study Project description found in Unit 8 to see how that component fits into the project as a whole and how the final project will be graded. Next, review the Theoretical […]
The DOCUMENT-IN-CONTEXT ANALYSIS (approximately 2000 words or 8 typed, doubled-spaced pages, excluding notes and bibliography) requires you to evaluate a primary source in its historical and cultural context. You will choose ONE of the primary-source options listed in the “Weekly topics and readings” section below (i.e., one of the listed sources that is not part […]
8 pages reflection from movie(Lee Daniels’ The Butler ) The reflection need related with black hitory in 1960s, like civil right movement, vietnam war, racial segregation, Birmingham campaign, voting right act, black panther party, Martin Luther king. Need to be specific and the word in article cannot appear twice. Article will be evaluated on: 1.Thesis, […]
Directions: Answer TWO of the four questions in, at least, Three Paragraphs per question. 1. Briefly explain President Reagan’s speech at Normandy, France on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day. In your opinion, what made his speech so memorable? 2. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto supposedly said “I fear all that we […]
Assignment Instructions Assignment Instructions: Please answer the question below with an essay answer. Each answer should be 10 to 12 pages total (not including title page and bibliography), typed double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12-pont font. Remember to us the Chicago Style Manual for all citations and bibliography. A minimum of 10 (10) scholarly sources […]
JS104 1 Structure and Requirements for MIT Analysis Paper Each student will write an analysis paper examining the assigned reading Mass Incarceration on Trial. The purpose of the paper is not just to specifically test knowledge, but to also force critical thinking about Simon’s arguments and logic. This paper should be no more than 2,500 […]
Healthcare through Technology According to Rohima (2013), the HITECH Act and regulation were focused on improving the experience of small practices with EHR to promote quality measurement as well as encouraging improved patient care and experience. HITECH Act is a critical legislation that is keen on promoting health care reforms. Part 1 of the legislation […]
Cybersecurity Investigation & Forensic Methodology In September of 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online Yahoo, one of the Internet giants was hit with the report of the most significant data breach in history. The company claimed that a state-sponsored entity orchestrated the attack. During the attack names, dates of […]
Writing a Thesis or Dissertation Writing a thesis or dissertation is perhaps the most daunting part of graduate education. A thesis or dissertation marks the culmination of thousands of hours of training, research, and writing, and it represents you for years after graduation. Some of the stress related to writing your thesis or dissertation, however, […]