Case Study – 1 (Report to be submitted) Manage Your Health, Inc. (MYH) is a Fortune 500 company that provides a variety of healthcare services across the globe. MYH has more than 20,000 full-time employees and more than 5,000 part-time employees. MYH recently updated its strategic plan; key goals include reducing internal costs, increasing cross-selling […]
Profile Essay Instructions and Guidelines Profiles are written portraits – of people, places, events, or other things. We find profiles of celebrities, travel destinations, and offbeat festivals in magazines and newspapers, or radio and TV. A profile presents a subject in an entertaining way that conveys its significance, showing us something or someone that we […]
write a paper on : “Managing Patient Care”, be sure to include the following points in your discussion: 1. Differentiate among the types of nursing care delivery models. 2. Describe the elements of shared decision making. 3. Describe the characteristics and traits of a transactional leader. 4. Ace my homework – Write my paper – […]
The final exam (a-bration!) is a timed, three-paragraph essay exam. Note: This exam is open-note, open-book, open-lesson so that you may remind yourself of key terms and concepts. However, please do not cite or paraphrase source material (textbook, lesson, outside articles, nor any source/research). This exam must be composed entirely by you, in your voice, […]
Nothing is submitted at this time. Develop and write your theory of writing in a Position Paper. Instructions and scoring guides are found in “ Writing a Position PaperOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Click for more options Writing a Position Paper – Alternative Formats ” and the “ Position Paper RubricOpen this document with […]
This assignment is an exciting chance for you to address the course outcomes in a new and personalized manner. You will consider the next year in four “chunks” of months. Based on your passions and uses for argument in different areas of your life, you will evaluate possible argument scenarios, considering audience and argument techniques. […]
Implementation and Evaluation Proposal Scenario For this assignment, imagine your intervention design was met with a positive reception and now you have been asked to create a proposal for how your intervention could be implemented within a specific care setting. Additionally, you are being asked to propose criteria that could be used to evaluate the […]
Read classmates post and respond in 200 words: Good evening Professor, When I read the notes regarding the case of Shannon Williams, I began to analyze some of her symptoms, especially the mention of abdominal pain. My first thought was that it could be what women usually experience and suffer from time to time such […]
Intervention Mapping topic – child hood obesity in Maryland (USA) Overview This assignment will enable you to better understand and use IM for your final case study. Preparation You have already chosen a local public health issue from your own community in your Unit 3 assignment. You have also found an intervention that will help […]
Professional Development Plan Leadership as a vocation requires a commitment to professional excellence and integrity, which can be achieved through establishing habits of self-reflection, lifelong learning, and professional development. The purpose of this assignment is for you to reflect on where you currently are in your leadership capabilities; define where you want to go; and […]