CNL 540 Topic 3 Assignment Multivariate Approaches (Obj. 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6) CNL 540 Topic 3 Assignment Multivariate Approaches (Obj. 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6) In preparation for this assignment, read the “Maladaptive Perfectionism as a Mediator and Moderator Between Adult Attachment and Depressive Mood” article located in the Topic 3 readings. […]
DNP 820 Topic 6 DQ 1 DNP 820 Topic 6 DQ 1 There is a heavy focus on achieving statistical significance when evaluating outcomes. Often in research or EBP projects, there is no statistical significance, only possible clinical significance. When is it appropriate to deem a project’s outcomes successful only using clinical significance as the […]
DNP 830 Topic 3 Working With Descriptive Statistics DNP 830 Topic 3 Working With Descriptive Statistics General Requirements: This course helps you develop a basic understanding of statistics. This course addresses two distinct types, descriptive and inferential. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to use a software program that makes it easy to […]
DNP 820 Topic 6 DQ 2 DNP 820 Topic 6 DQ 2 The three components of EBP include clinical expertise, best evidence, and patient preference. Often, patient preference and clinical expertise are at odds with each other. Describe a scenario where you might need to mediate this issue and what is the solution when this […]
DNP 830 Topic 4 CITI Training: Basic Research Course DNP 830 Topic 4 CITI Training: Basic Research Course For this assignment, you will complete the Basic Research Course.The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training in research ethics is a requirement for submission of your practice implementation project to the Institutional Review Board (IRB). CITI training […]
Mrs. William, a 75-year-old patient is with her daughter for a follow-up visit. At her previous office visit, her daughter expressed concerns of her mother’s increasing forgetfulness. You send Mrs. William for neuropsychiatric testing. She is diagnosed with mild dementia, and the patient and family would like to discuss treatment options. Q1. Name a drug […]
CNL 540 Topic 4 Article Review (Obj. 4.2 and 4.4) CNL 540 Topic 4 Article Review (Obj. 4.2 and 4.4) Select and read one of the following articles, located in the Topic 4 materials: The Role of Faculty Mentors in the Research Training of Counseling Psychology Doctoral Students The Career Development of Mexican American Adolescent […]
For this week’s online assignment in 300 words or more: Explore your reactions to one of the readings based on your critical thinking and experiences. Were there key claims/arguments/ideas that confused you, resonated with you, or made you wonder? If so, state these key claims. If you are responding to the poem, be very clear […]
DNP 830 Topic 1 Individual Success Plan (ISP) DNP 830 Topic 1 Individual Success Plan (ISP) General Requirements: The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment in this course requires your collaboration with the course faculty early on to establish a plan for successful completion of mutually identified and agreed upon specific deliverables for your programmatic requirements. […]
CNL 540 Topic 4 Assignment Descriptive Statistics Worksheet (Obj. 4.5) CNL 540 Topic 4 Assignment Descriptive Statistics Worksheet (Obj. 4.5) Complete the “Descriptive Statistics Worksheet.” While Ace homework tutors – APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using Ace […]