Technology is everywhere. It is a tool that certainly changes the world and how it operates. Many people today are familiar with the technology and its use; it might become extremely important in aspects of our life also evolved in over the past decades and even now made our life simpler, easier, convenient and more […]
An Introduction to Issues of Gender in Stalking Research Stalking has been the subject of empirical examination for a little over 20 years. Interest in stalking – both empirical and public – has increased substantially within the last decade (see Figure 1). A PsycINFO search of the first decade of stalking research yields only 74 […]
Multiple Personality Disorder, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, as it is now identified by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition (DSM – IV -TR) continues to be a disputed diagnosis after decades of diagnoses, treatment, and research. Psychiatrists, medical doctors, psychologists, counselors and social workers, as […]
Police procedures for interrogation are some of the most critical issues associated with criminal proceedings in the United States. How law enforcement officers go about this issue determines the willingness of the suspect to cooperate and give evidence that will be admissible. Successful interrogations should not use maltreatment or force but rather simple psychology to […]
Critically discuss and evaluate research studies that have analysed the psychological contributions to the investigative processes. Psychology made great contributions in the past years to the justice system. Many of them helping the system understand crime, criminals and victims. Many fields of psychology have been created since, e.g. forensic psychology, criminal psychology, legal psychology and […]
In an article written by Albert R. Roberts, a five-level classificatory typology specifying the duration and brutality of woman battering was studied by interviewing 501 battered women. Through the interviews, it was found that the length and severity of abuse ranged from short-term to chronic to homicidal levels. A number of differences were identified between […]
Substance addicted fathers fail to provide a safe environment that focuses on the needs of their children. While inebriated, fathers may believe they are being attentive to their children, while in reality, they tend to act on their own feelings and disregard their children’s needs and become unpredictable. Sometimes a substance addicted father will have […]
Social Work and Criminal Justice: Victims of Violent Crime Analysis Abstract This report explores many factors of sexual abuse, specifically sexual exploitation of children. Ethical and policy issues that may affect practice with this population as well as the nature of the violent crimes are some of the factors explored in this report. The sexual […]
Imagine that you are a member at PLM. This website’s mission is to improve the lives of patients through new knowledge derived from shared real-world experience and outcomes. These group chats offer connections between individuals that may experience the same health issues or challenges. The history behind this platform started when Stephen Heywood was diagnosed […]
Imagine that you are a member at PLM. This website’s mission is to improve the lives of patients through new knowledge derived from shared real-world experience and outcomes. These group chats offer connections between individuals that may experience the same health issues or challenges. The history behind this platform started when Stephen Heywood was diagnosed […]