(Your job is to look at the given PowerPoint and create narrated presentation as your presenting from those PowerPoint.Also, added stuff during your narration from those technical and lab reports) You don’t have to speak or (Narrate) on those PowerPoint slides, just write it down below every slide instead. I will do the recording from […]
Article Homework help – Summary # ___ “Article Title” Article Source Article Date (Articles should be dated within the last 6 months) Article Link: Good: https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online-walmart-crime/ Bad: http://www.bloomberg.com/ Company Profile: Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service […]
Research Paper Assignment Research, Analysis, and Comparison-Contrast Your term paper will be a study of some aspect of American art or architecture. Choose a style, period, or subject. See this list of sample topics. Note that you are not limited to the sample topics. I will work with you on refining the subject […]
According to Bhabha, hybridity is the straddling of two cultures and the consequent ability to negotiate the difference. Bhabha developed his concept of hybridity from literary and cultural theory to describe the construction of culture and identity within conditions of colonial antagonism and inequality. For Bhabha, hybridity is the process by which the colonial governing […]
The economy of India is as diverse as it is large, with a number of major sectors including manufacturing industries, agriculture, textiles and handicrafts, and services. Agriculture is a major component of the Indian economy, as over 66% of the Indian population earns its livelihood from this area. However, the service sector is greatly expanding […]
For this assignment, you will choose from one of the following options to write an Analytical Argumentative Essay. What’s an Analytical Argumentative Essay? And where does it live? What does it eat? (lol) This is an essay that is part analysis and part argument. You’ll choose a prompt (an article) that you’ll read and analyze […]
Assume that you have been tasked by your employer to develop an incident response plan. Create a list of stakeholders for the IR planning committee. For each type of stakeholder, provide the reasons for inclusion and the unique aspects or vision that you believe each of these stakeholders will bring to the committee. ########################################################################################## Make […]
Explain how you might investigate your research topic (Obesity and Healthy Eating) using an experimental design or a quasi-experimental design. Which approach seems to be the most appropriate for researching this problem? ANSWER THE ABOVE QUESTION AND THEN REPLY TO MY CLASSMATE’S RESPONSE TO THE ABOVE QUESTION AND EXPLAIN WHY YOU AGREE? (A MINIMUM […]
While the ultimate goal is the same, to determine the value(s) that hold true for the equation, solving quadratic equations requires much more than simply isolating the variable, as is required in solving linear equations. This piece will outline the different types of quadratic equations, strategies for solving each type, as well as other methods […]
IKEA is a private home products retailer, which deals internationally in flat pack furniture, accessories, and bathroom and kitchen items. IKEA is the company which is being regarded as the pioneer in flat-pack designed furniture; this firm is now the largest furniture manufacturer of the world, with 120,000 employees around the globe. The revenues of […]