speech. For this assignment: 1) Choose a speech transcript, audio, or video from the list provided in this document. Any speech not on the list must be approved by your instructor. 2) Review the selected speech and prepare an outline of the 15-20-slide presentation, using the “Western Political Rhetoric – Final Project” document located in […]
I am looking for someone to write 2 discussion posts for me within the next six hours. Each discussion post has to be a minimum of 200 words with no more than 400. An image will be uploaded below with the two questions and I will type them out here as well. 1st Ace my […]
two paragraph 2 scholarly resource with intext citation and reference Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, select and respond to one of the following options: Option 1: Examine one or more major battles, including both the Axis and Allies strategies, the outcome of the battles, and the subsequent effects of the victory/defeat. Get custom […]
HP 4368 TASK ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT SHEET I. Two Options A. One option would be to select an OPEN sport in which you consider yourself to be an “expert”. DO NOT choose one skill of a sport. 1. Example: Lay – up shot – no; basketball – yes B. Another option would be to select 5 […]
Assignment Content Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. It is a win-win proposition; both parties gain from trade. Consider the following: Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing the products upon which the tariffs are levied. The term “trade deficits” is […]
The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem you have identified in your organization. Throughout the course, you have completed most of the necessary research and assignments needed to generate the final business proposal. Refer to the “Business Proposal Project […]
Samuel Beckett’s play, “Happy Days,” portrays a woman, Winnie, buried in the ground, first up to her waist, then up to her neck, determined to live out her meaningful life. Although her situation is hopeless because she has no idea how she got there, Winnie trusts that her life is meaningful and truly believes that […]
Topic: Servant Leadership from a Christian Perspective: The Issue of Humility Leadership Journal: Example Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike a personal journal of thoughts […]
“Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed offerings to idols, swore oaths that the killer of souls might come to their aid and save the people. ” (Beowulf, pg. 13, lines 176-179) a) The main point of this quote is that the Danes, or people of Hrothgar’s kingdom, started asking for help from false idols, breaking […]
Physical interaction is possibly the most intuitive emotion we have as a species. Sex and body image are absurdly prominent in todays culture, and have been since the beginning of written history. Sexuality is only a surface desire though. What lies beneath the surface is where a person’s true beauty rests. The poets Sappho and […]