Lowell was among the largest city in America in mid-1800s. It was well known for its accomplishments most notably the establishment of power loom and the combination of the cotton cloth manufacture process in one single mill. Additionally, the technological innovation from Europe was first implemented in Lowell mills in America. Other technological and infrastructure […]
The Great Muslim Scientists of All Time. Here is a little intro about them and their work to the world of science. All the scientists are before 14th century .. ,When you the Europe was called a Dark continent ,Muslims Scientists Were ruling in all over the world! I don’t know what happened now But […]
Hegemony is defined as leadership, predominance, especially of one society over another. Encarta dictionary defines it as Control or dominating influence by one person or group especially over society or one nation over others. Referring to America, Stanly D. Brunn pointed out “the world’s single remaining superpower is the accountable hegemon” (p. 36). Every one […]
Globalization is the process which unites nations, societies and traditions through a worldwide system of communication, transportation and trade. Globalization is usually used as an easy way of spreading the technologies, production, and communication across the globe. It also involves the flow of thoughts and technologies. Due to globalization, regions are coming closer to each […]
Usually, English literature is divided into seven periods from the academic angle: The first period is Early and Medieval English literature. And this period can be divided into two parts. The first part is Anglo-Saxon Period (449-1066). The main literary contribution of this period is the Epic, and its masterpiece is the national epic The […]
An added problem in recent years, and a major concern since 9/11 is the confidentiality of Social Security Numbers, and the prevention of identity theft and fraud. As a result of security concerns, the SSA has “a unique role in helping to prevent the proliferation of false identities” (Bovbjerg, 2003, p. 1). Whereas SSNs were […]
Women education in India is a most important topic now-a-days which students generally get in their schools to write a complete essay or only paragraph. We have provided here some easy and simple written essays and paragraphs on women education in India for the school students. You can select any of the given essays or […]
In Gulliver’s travels I think that Jonathan Swift is trying to show people what human society is really like. He does this through 4 voyages each to a different imaginary place, where the people are a satire of a different aspect of human society, and in each voyage Swift is telling us what he thinks […]
ENtREPRENEuRSHiP REadiNESS aNd NEW vENtuRES dEvEloPMENt: iSSuES aNd iMPliCatioNS oF ENtREPRENEuRial EduCatioN iN MEXiCaN uNivERSitiES. Ricardo d. Alvarez///SiMO-BoSCH Consulting [email protected] com aBStRaCt Previous research has demonstrated a positive relationship between perceived self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ perceived self-efficacy, intentions and […]
Mankind shares psychological phenomena known as emotion that is a natural state of mind deriving from a person. 1 By means of this special ability, trusting our emotions in the pursuit of knowledge can be questioned, as it is a circumstance that involves only an individual, there might be an increasing chance of being invalid. […]