Research Essay Topic Example: – The Victorian era is an era which is associated with the ruling of the queen called Victoria. She is one of the historical queens who ruled the Britain for the longest period in history. During this era of her rule, numerous activities took place which brought new changes to the […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – The oil prices have been creeping higher in the recent past and the current gas market conditions in the United States of America are very uncertain as well as unstable which has further led to a lot of negative effects on the gas consumers. The gas prices have been rapidly […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – This paper aims to introduce the Galapagos Islands, an ecological property on the list of World Heritage Sites in Danger by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Galapagos Islands have unique ecosystems with diverse native and endemic species of flora and fauna. The Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) was […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – With bare hands and primitive tools, traditional farmers in the highlands of the Phippines have been shaping the Banaue or Ifugao rice terraces into a grandeur feat that attracts the attention of worldwide visitors. The rice terraces with the cluster sites are dated more than 2,000 years old. These spectacular […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – The afternoon had turned dark and cloudy, and I could sense that rain was coming. I briefly lamented the time I had wasted washing my car, but just as quickly, I realized that rain would mean I’d get out of yard work, and I hate yard work. It was a […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – James Thurber is one of the best known humorists in America, and the work “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” is considered to be one of the Thurber’s “acknowledged masterpieces”. The story was published in 1939 in the New Yorker magazine to great applause, and was first collected in his […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – On the surface, “Waiting for Godot” is purely a series of nonsensical conversations and attempts by the principal characters in creating diversions to pass the time. However, there is some evidence that the play is more than just a slapstick routine of two bored, elderly men waiting for another man […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – A few years ago my best friend Jahira was looking for a new apartment, but she was not sure how to begin the search and what questions to ask the proprietor. Jahira’s concern was she has a 12 year old son, a dog, and a cat. Since she didn’t know […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – Since the days of old, man has always lived as a social creature and in this social setting, some form of communication media is developed and this constitutes the language of that community. A community’s language is composed of different words each with a particular association or meaning to ease […]
Research Essay Topic Example: – The novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf published in 1927 is a milestone of high modernism and experiments the stream-of-consciousness style. There are three sections in the book and the text revolves around the Ramsay family during their visit to the Isle of Skye in Scotland between 1910 1nd […]