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Posted: April 29th, 2021

Outline Of Research Paper Bethuel Best Only

HRM 595.S31

Course Title: Strategic Human Resources Masters Project
Course Code & Section: HRM 595 – S30
Credit Hours: 3
Instructor Name: Robert Micera
Instructor Contact Information
Phone: 862-485-6413

Course Description:
This is an advanced course, designed to examine and research new developments and professional concerns in human resource management. The course focuses on such topics as strategic human resource management, productivity in the American workplace; developing union/management cooperation for productivity; methods of employee learning in the workplace; metrics and measurement in human resources; and specialized needs of the new workforce in a high-tech and service economy. Students will be guided through professionally oriented activities designed to provide them with culminating experiences that result in a research project and final paper. Topics will vary from semester to semester. Pre-requisite: completion of 24 credits of HRM coursework. Effective Summer 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service, successful completion of the Project Seminar requires a grade of “B” or better; otherwise, the course must be repeated in order to graduate. No transfer credit or substitutions (replaces CED 595).

Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will have an increased capacity to:
CO1: Understand the overall approach to strategic HR formulation and decision making
CO2: Understand strategic recruitment and staff placement
CO3: Strategically design jobs, performance appraisals and compensation programs
CO4: Understand employee retention and positive work environments
CO5: Understand company restructuring and virtual organizations
CO6: Learn about how actual companies strategize HR through case studies

Required Course Textbook and Materials:
Human Resources Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment : A Strategic Approach 6th edition, Anthony,William P., Kacmar, Michelle K., Perrewé, Pamela L.
Textbook ISBN: 9781424063932

Statement about Course Delivery/Modality:
This is an asynchronous, online course, delivered in the Blackboard learning management system (LMS). Students must be mindful of all course expectations, deliverables and due dates. All assignments and course interactions will utilize internet technologies. See “Technical Requirements” section for more information. This is an extremely interactive class and my participation is reflected in the weekly class discussions. However, since this is a graduate course, the bulk of your learning about each week’s topic should be taking place via the assigned readings and your interactive discussions with each other.

Each week of the semester you are required to post a minimum of at least one substantial response for each discussion question assigned for the week. Each week there will be two or three discussion questions. You will respond at least one time for each of them. You are expected to post your initial response to the questions and then interact with at least 2 classmates based on their posts.

NOTE: One response for each question will not earn you the 6 total possible points for the week.

Keep in mind that a posting which merely states, “I agree with the readings” without stating your reasons as to why you agree (or disagree) without adding more to the original post will not count as a posting toward participation. In order to earn the maximum amount of points each week, you must post your own complete response to each question and then interact with other students for each question as well. This class does not require any written assignments, only weekly discussion posts and a final exam. Therefore, your weekly posts are expected to show your effort.

Preferred Method of Contact with Instructor:
My preferred method of contact if you need a prompt reply from me is via my mobile phone listed on page 1 of this syllabus. If it is not a pressing need then the email mentioned above on page 1 of this syllabus is fine. Please be sure to include your full name, course name and section when you send me an email. I strive to respond to your emails as soon as possible, but please allow between 24-48 hours for a response. Please utilize your Stony Brook University email when getting in touch with me as that is the preferred method of contact from the institution.

In this course, you will be assessed on the following:
Participation/Discussion Forums (10 forums possible 6 pts each) 60
Case Study
Research Paper 15
TOTAL 100 %

Participation/Discussion Forums (60%): There are no additional homework assignments for this course due to the fact that the discussion forums will require you to read and understand the textbook thoroughly in order to answer the discussion questions and cases from the textbook effectively. Preparation for class means reading the assigned readings & reviewing all information required for that week. Site the content you use in your posts (just site the page and textbook name or if you use another research source, site that name and author). Attendance in an online course means logging into the Blackboard and on a regular basis and participating in the all of activities that are posted in the course. There is a total of 10 graded discussion forums, and the mandatory Introduction forum in the welcome week. You will be asked each week to post an original and thoughtful response to that week’s topic. You must post an original response by Wednesday midnight of each week for all discussion questions, and at least two responses to classmates posts for each discussion question by Sunday of that week. No make-ups are available for the discussion forums. For example, if there are three discussion questions for a week you would post your initial responses to each (3 posts=1 for each question ) and then respond to at least two class mates posts for each of the three questions (6 posts=2 class interactions for each of the 3 questions). So, in this example I would expect to see 9 posts minimum in order to earn all 8 points for that week. There is a discussion forum ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading rubric at the end of this syllabus that outlines how your forum posts will be graded each week. You are to conduct yourself professionally every time you express yourself-whether it’s through the written or spoken word. As such, successful professionals (students, managers, employees) must have effective written and oral communication skills. Therefore, communication errors (such as improper grammar, improper sentence and paragraph structure, misspelling and incorrect punctuation) are unacceptable in coursework throughout. Faculty members also consider communication competency when evaluating student performance in addition to coursework.

Case Study (15%): The case study required for this course will require an understanding of the concepts in the textbook. The majority of the research will be within the textbook as well as internet research if needed. The research paper will be based on the case studies located at the end of the textbook. There are 6 cases to choose from that have questions at the end of each case. The content of your paper will consist of in depth analysis utilizing the principles in the textbook to very clearly articulate the answers to the questions. You can earn a total of 15 points for your case study analysis paper. There is no minimum number of pages. The key is to effectively answer the questions with textbook and/or other research and HR concepts as well as your own opinion. The points you receive will be based on your effectiveness in presenting your facts, opinions and research on the topic. Spelling and grammar are important as well. When you are finished with your paper be sure to review it and ensure that is does address what is asked of you. The case study is due at the end of week 5.

You must submit your paper through the appropriate link in Blackboard under Research Paper. Please do not attach your files to an email message. Your name and the case name and questions should be on the cover sheet of your paper. Your file must be in MS Word, in APA format with appropriate referencing and bibliography.

Research Paper (25%): The research paper required for this course may be conducted on any area of the core HR functions or a particular contemporary workplace challenge associated with human resources management. The key to earning most or all 25 points will be how effectively your research answers the topic you have chosen, as well as your writing skills and ease of following your outline and paper for the reader. Spelling and grammar are important as well and there is a 12 page minimum. Your research paper is due via the Research Paper link in BB at the end of week 9. Your topic is due at the end of week 4 via an email to me at

You must submit your paper through the appropriate link in Blackboard under Research Paper. Research paper name should be on the cover sheet of your paper. Your file must be in MS Word, in APA format with appropriate referencing and bibliography.

This section of the syllabus relates entirely to the research paper for the course
Topic Proposal, Outline and Submission Guidelines:

Due at the end of Week 4 via an email to me, your topic proposal should include the following information:

Proposed title for your paper. Your title should be a short phrase, usually with a few words that describe the topic in broad terms, followed by a colon, and then specific words about your topic. For example, “Breaking Barriers in Corporate America: An Exploration of Female Fortune 500 Chief Executives.” In this example, the text to the left of the colon begins to engage the reader by describing the topic more broadly; the text to the right of the colon gets into more detail to help the reader know the exact focus of the paper. Note that this is a draft; you can edit your title throughout the process. (I have included some sample topics at the end of this section).

Two introductory paragraphs. Write a couple of paragraphs that introduce the topic you wish to research. It should frame the paper and provide a brief overview of the topic, avoiding too much detail. You will likely have a reference to one outside source in your introduction. If you share anything about yourself in this section, don’t use the word “I” (no “first person”). Instead, say “the researcher” or “the author.”

Research questions. After writing your two paragraph introduction, start a new paragraph with a statement to the effect of “In this paper, the author will explore the following research questions:” And then list 3-5 questions you want to explore. They should be open-ended questions (not “yes” or “no” answer questions) that focus on the who, what, when, where, why, or how of the topic you want to learn more about. Each research question will serve as a subheading in the literature review section your paper, thus giving you about 3-5 five-page sections that will be logically connected. Do some initial research on the web or visit the online library or a local library/bookstore to help craft your topic proposal. You can see what information is already published, and then help formulate your research questions. Understand that your research questions are a work-in-progress. You can change or tweak questions as you gather new research or information along the way.

Research Paper Outline/Template

Once you have composed 3-5 solid research questions, developed an introductory paragraph, and started finding articles, books, etc. related to your topic, develop a working outline of your paper. You are not required to submit your outline to me; it’s meant to help keep your writing structured and organized.

Your outline should look as follows:




A. Research question 1

B. Research question 2

C. Research question 3

D. Research question 4


Research Paper Template:
1. Research paper sample templates typically include seven sections: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review (the body of your paper), Conclusion, References, and Appendices.
2. It’s best to create a Microsoft Word document, using this template so your paper stays organized. Note that the Title Page, Abstract, References, and Appendices go on their OWN page. Your paper must be at least 12 pages of written text in 12 point Times New Roman font, excluding your cover page, references, and appendices.
3. Write your abstract last. The abstract is a 100 word summary of your paper and is intended to give a quick summary to a reader about the focus of your paper — and so you cannot write that until your paper is complete. The abstract may include a sentence from your introduction and one from your conclusion, but it should be no more than a paragraph.
4. To keep your paper organized, you will take each research question and write it as a subheading in your literature review. For example, if a research question is “How has the implementation of various employment laws impacted the human resource management profession?” the subheading in your literature review could read, “The History of Employment Law.”
5. The conclusion should nicely wrap up your paper in a couple of paragraphs. It should not be longer than 3 paragraphs (1 page), and should not introduce new material.
6. Write your reference list first. Since you are gathering references now, create your list in APA style from the beginning – put it in alphabetical order by author last name – and you will save time later. There’s nothing worse than having to go back to the library to find the APA required information on a source you could have gathered the first time around! Note that a reference list is the same as the bibliography or works cited.
7. Some papers may not have an appendix section. It depends upon your topic. In most cases, appendices are used to present tables and charts that don’t fit nicely into the text of the paper itself, or to provide a sample of a survey used or interview questions posed.

Reference List:
In order to give appropriate credit to authors, you will follow APA style for this paper. You should use the current APA manual for details. Below are a few key points related to your reference list, but The Bedford Handbook provides more detail and examples.
1. Only include the author’s last name and first name initial. For example, Micera, R. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers)
2. Tab in 5 spaces the second and subsequent line of each reference.
3. Put in alphabetical order by author last name; if you don’t have an author’s last name, use the first word of the title of the article. For example, Students Protest over College Admissions Policies (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, April 15) should be alphabetized under the letter “S”.
4. If you are using an Internet source, list the reference, followed by the date of retrieval and the website. For example, Retrieved January 27, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay from the Department of Labor website,
5. Your final reference list should include only those references you actually cite in your paper.

Below are some high level ideas for topics that would require deeper related subtopics/questions and focus in order to research and write a meaningful paper. You do not have to use any of these, you may select a topic from any component of the core human resources functions and/or challenges in the workplace.

1. Discuss the effects of global competitiveness on strategic human resources
2. Understanding the connections between job satisfaction, loyalty of the worker to the company, and commitment
3. Understanding employee turnover, causes, measuring and improving employee retention for the various causes of turnover
4. Forecasting and predicting the supply and demand cycle within human resources
5. How does at-work childcare compare to regular daycare when compared to the satisfaction of employees with working while their young children are in care?
6. Discuss compensation packages and the effect of corporate employee benefits being offered in order to retain human resources
7. With the recent legislation to prevent bullying in schools, will the workplace be next to adopt stricter rules and regulations to prevent bullying and harassment in the work environment?
8. Cultural diversity in the workplace: what are the advantages and disadvantages; what are the rewards and challenges; what programs and strategy are being used and having the?
9. How have company’s performance evaluation systems grown and changed over the last decade? Which approaches are having the best results for specific industries?
10. How does sexual harassment affect workplace relationships?
11. What are the advantages, disadvantages of internal recruiting and what legal issues may arise?
12. Compare career planning that’s centered around organizations and career planning centered around individuals.

Policy regarding late or missed assignments, as well as rewrites

This course requires you to spend time preparing and completing assignments, including actively participating in class. As an online student you should commit 10-15 hours per week to each of your online courses (

*IMPORTANT: If at any point you should encounter any technical issues, please send an email to, they can also be reached by telephone at 632-2777. You should also copy me on this email so that I am aware of the situation and if possible include a screen-shot of the issue.

Grades and ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading Scale:
Assignment of letter grades is based on a percentage of points earned. The letter grade will correspond with the following percentages achieved. All course requirements must be completed before a grade is assigned.
Grade Points
A 94-100
A- 90-93
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
C 74-76
C- 71-73
F 0-70
Academic Policies:
Academic Integrity Statement: Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person’s work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at
For information specific to the School of Professional Development, see the appropriate section in the Bulletin at 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay_bulletin.pdf

Critical Incident Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment: Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students’ ability to learn.
University Student Conduct Code can be found at (check for most current version)

ADA & Disability Support Services (DSS) Statement: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 – Section 504 applies to all postsecondary educational programs that receive federal assistance. Reasonable accommodations and academic assistance are provided to students with disabilities registered with the Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. For procedures and information go to the following website:

Course Materials and Copyright Statement: Course material accessed from Blackboard, SB Connect, SB Capture or a Stony Brook Course website is for the exclusive use of students who are currently enrolled in the course. Content from these systems cannot be reused or distributed without written permission of the instructor and/or the copyright holder. Duplication of materials protected by copyright, without permission of the copyright holder is a violation of the Federal copyright law, as well as a violation of Stony Brook’s Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Codes.

Communication Competency: You convey a certain image of yourself every time you express yourself-whether it’s through the written or spoken word. As such, successful professionals (students, managers, employees) must have effective written and oral communication skills. Therefore, communication errors (such as improper grammar, improper sentence and paragraph structure, misspelling and incorrect punctuation) are unacceptable in coursework throughout. Faculty members also consider communication competency when evaluating student performance in addition to coursework.
Net-Etiquette Guidelines:
The following guidelines for participation in the Threaded Discussion Area and Chat rooms.
• Remember that the absence of face-to-face communication it’s easy to misunderstand what is being said;
• Carefully review and read materials that you receive electronically to ensure that you fully understand the message;
• Be sure to carefully re-read and understand what you will be sending in order to ensure that you are not misunderstood by anyone;
• Avoid cluttering your messages with excessive emphasis (stars, arrows, exclamations);
• If you are responding to a message, either include the relevant part of the original message in your message, or make sure refer to the original’s contents so as to avoid confusion;
• Be specific and clear, especially when asking questions;
• If your messages can be typed in UPPER and lower case, please use the two appropriately instead of all UPPERCASE characters. This gives the appearance of shouting and makes the message less readable;
• Remember that not all readers have English as their native language, so make allowance for possible misunderstandings and unintended discourtesies;
• Do not abuse new users of computer networks for their lack of knowledge;
• Follow the same standards of politeness as you do in any other aspect of your life.

Technical Requirements:
This course requires that you have access to the Internet. You are responsible for having a reliable computer and internet connection throughout the course. You will need to have access to, and be able to use the following software packages (include a list of any software a student must have access to in order to fully participate in this course, following are some examples):
• A web browser (for instance, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer)
• Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)
• Adobe Flash Player (free)
• Microsoft Word

Please note! You will be limited if you expect to complete your work on a smart phone or tablet. It will not be possible to submit the Microsoft Word files required for your homework assignments.

Email and Internet
You must have an active Stony Brook University e-mail account and access to the Internet. All instructor correspondence will be sent to your SBU e-mail account. Please plan on checking your SBU email account regularly for course related messages.

This course uses Blackboard for the facilitation of communications between faculty and students, submission of assignments, and posting of grades. The Blackboard Course Site can be accessed at

Getting Technical Help:
Campus Network or Blackboard Outage
When access to Blackboard is not available for an extended period of time (greater than one entire evening – 6pm till 11pm) you can reasonably expect that the due date for assignments will be changed to the next day (assignment still due by midnight).

Go to the Discussion Board of SPD Online Support. There you will find a Technical Questions and Answers Forum. Post your question there, and someone from the SPD Online office will respond. Alternatively, you could call the SPD Online office at 631.632.9484 between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday or e-mail For assistance after 5 PM or over the weekend, please contact the Open SUNY Technical Support, information can be found at

Getting Help with Blackboard Learning Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment System (LMS)
Students that need help with Blackboard can contact the TLT Student Help Desk by calling (631) 632-9602, emailing; more information is available via Stony Brook IT:
Frequently ask questions about the Blackboard LMS along with tutorials are available here:

Academic Support:
SPD Subject Guides – The SPD Subject Guide is a library website specifically designed to assist SPD students with their research. It contains all of the information referenced on this Blackboard page as well as recommendations for specific databases and a live librarian chat feature. Take a look:

Library Instruction Website –

SBU Library Research Guides and Tutorials


***subject to changes***

Week / Module # Weekly/Module Outcomes Course Objectives Measured Course Activities & Assignments

1 The Strategic Approach to Human Resourcres Mgmt A. Define the concept of strategy and explain the basics of the strategy formulation process.
B. Distinguish the strategic approach to human resources from the traditional functional approach.
C. Explain the relationship of decision making to the strategy formulation process.
D. Explain the relationship of human resource strategy with overall organizational strategy and functional strategy. CO1
CO6 Read:
Text: Chapter 1
Course Materials on Blackboard
• Read & Understand the Syllabus posted
• Read & Understand the online policies and procedures

Deliverables (Graded):
Discussion Forums:
• Introduce yourself in the Introduction Forum
• Ch.1,p.3 Questions 5 & 10
• Ch.1,p.33-34 Case: Right Mgmt Consultants Succeeds By Managing Change. Answer Questions 1,2 & 3
*Participation in both forums is mandatory this week and will count towards Week 1 attendance in addition to the Week 1 discussion forums being graded.
2 Formulating a Corporate and HR Strategy
3 The External and Global Environment for HR:Changes & Diversity A. Write a page paper – Describe the strategy formulation process.
B. Explain the role of the personnel/human resource department in strategy formulation.
C. Understand the importance of functional strategies, especially human resource strategy.
D. Understand how human resource strategy contributes to overall strategy success.
E. Write a page paper – Describe the components of an organization’s external and global environments.

CO6 Read:
Text: Chapters 2 & 3

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch. 2,p.56 Question 9
Ch. 3,p.96 Questions 8

4 HR Acquisition and Placement
5 Equal Employment Opportunity A. Explain the relationship of strategic human resource planning to the staffing function.
B. Discuss human resource costing in organizations.
C. Identify and discuss the factors surrounding the use of human resource information systems.
D. Discuss the strategic choices available to firms regarding equal employment opportunities.
E. Write a page paper – Describe the components for strengthening or establishing affirmative action programs.
F. Discuss Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and some of the controversies surrounding comparable worth. CO1,
CO4 Read:
Text: Chapters 4 & 5
Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.4,p.128 Question 2
• Ch.4,p.128-131 Case:Polaroid-A Hard Landing only questions 4 & 5
• Ch.5,p.165 Questions 2 & 4
6 Job Analysis
7 Recruitment, Selection and Retention A. Be familiar with various methods of conducting a job analysis.
B. Discuss how job descriptions and job specifications can be developed from the results of a job analysis.
C. Discuss the recruiting methods available to organizations.
D. Understand the selection process organizations use to choose employees.
E. Write a page paper – Describe methods used to retain effective employees.
F. Explain strategies for effective recruitment, selection, and retention.

CO3 Read:
Text: Chapters 6 & 7

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.6,p.194 Question 4
• Ch.7,p.233 Case: Hiring the Educated-A New Approach to Staffing the Automobile Industry, Questions 3 & 5 only

8 Job Design
9 Orientation, Training, and Development A. Discuss the various environmental, organizational, and behavioral factors that need to be considered in job design.
B. Discuss the relationship between organizational strategy and job design.
C. List and describe the steps involved in the strategic framework for job redesign.
D. Write a page paper – Describe the elements of an effective orientation program.
E. Explain the role training and development play in improving performance.
F. List and describe training and development methods.
G. Understand how to evaluate a training program. CO3
Text: Chapters 8 & 9

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.9,p.257 Question 7
• Ch.8,p.240 Case: Fearful Skies and the Bored X-Ray Operators, read the case. How you would redesign the airline x-ray job to make it more interesting and motivating?


10 Strategies for Effective
Performance Appraisal Systems


11 Strategic Compensation Systems A. Discuss some of the major strategic choices regarding the performance appraisals that are available to organizations.
B. Discuss the process of the performance appraisal.
C. Write a page paper – Describe the various influences on the design and implementation of compensation systems.
D. Discuss the lead, match, and lag pay level policies available to organizations.
E. Explain the concept of pay for performance and the advantages and disadvantages associated with it.
F. Understand the relationship between motivation and compensation.
G. Be familiar with a variety of nonfinancial rewards that may be useful when designing compensation systems. CO3 Read:
Text: Chapters 10 & 11

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.10,p.329 Question 9
• Ch.11,p.359 Questions 1 & 10
12 Improving Productivity
13 Benefit Plans A. Understand the concept of productivity.
B. Recognize ways to increase productivity through organizational restructuring.
C. Understand how to increase productivity through individuals and leadership.
D. Define involvement and explain the benefits of having an involved staff.
E. Explain the strategic choices available to a firm in the area of benefits.
F. Be aware of possible trends in the future of benefits. CO3,
CO5 Read:
Text: Chapters 12 & 13

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.12,p.388-390 Case: Bruegger’s Bagel Bakery Questions 2 & 4 only
• Ch.13,p.420 Questions 2 & 9
14 Managing Health, Safety, and Stress


15 Ethics, Employee Rights, and
Employer Responsibilities

A. Outline the strategic choices available to managers with respect to the management of employee safety, health, and stress.
B. Discuss the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and explain its purpose, scope, and procedures.
C. Write a page paper – Describe ethical considerations, employee rights, and employer responsibilities.
D. Discuss the way to manage a problem employee. CO3,
CO5 Read:
Text: Chapters 14 & 15

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.14,p.446-448 Case: Safety in the Workplace: Whose Responsibility? Questions 1 & 2 Only
• Ch.15,p.478 Question 8
16 Unions and Strategic Collective Bargaining

A. Identify strategic issues that affect labor unions today.
B. Write a page paper – Describe the current state of union growth and decline.
C. Discuss the role and objectives of unions in society today.
D. Explain the laws that regulate relations between union and management. CO4 Read:
Text: Chapter 16

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.16,p.532 Questions 4 & 9•
17 Strategic Restructuring and
The Virtual Organization A. Identify and discuss the five strategic variables involved in the strategic decision to restructure.
B. Define the terms no-layoff, layoff, termination, and retirement strategies.
C. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of human resource strategy and be able to compare each strategy with the others.
D. Define virtual organization and explain its relationship to contingent workers and outsourcing. CO1,
Text: Chapter 17

Deliverables (Graded):
• Ch.17,p.579 Questions 8 & 16

Subject to Change Notice:

All material, assignments, and deadlines are subject to change with prior notice. It is your responsibility to stay in touch with your instructor, review the course site regularly, or communicate with other students, to adjust as needed if assignments or due dates change

Syllabus Disclaimer:

The instructor views the course syllabus as an educational understanding between the instructor and students. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as deemed necessary. Students will be notified in a timely manner of any syllabus changes face-to-face, via email or in the course site Announcements. Please remember to check your SBU email and the course site Announcements often.

DISCUSSION FORUM ~ Hire our professional writers now and experience the best assignment help online with our custom paper writing service. We ensure your essays and assignments are expertly researched, written and delivered on time. ~ Grading RUBRIC
Possible Points Criterion 6 5 3-4 0-2
Complete Answer incorporates all elements of the discussion forum question Answer incorporates most elements of the discussion forum question Answer incorporates some elements of the discussion forum question Does not answer the discussion forum question
Quality of response Post presents an excellent understanding of discussion forum topic(s) through well-reasoned and critical reasoning; post is substantively factual and supported by appropriate references from the readings or course materials Post presents a good understanding of discussion forum topic(s) through well-reasoned and critical reasoning; post is substantively factual but is not supported by appropriate references from the readings or course materials Post presents limited understanding of discussion forum topic(s); post incorporates basic examples but is not substantive or supported by references to the readings or course materials Post presents only bare understanding of the discussion forum topic(s); post is incomplete, off-topic, incorrect, or irrelevant to the discussion activity
Comments to others Responses are analytical of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous posts Comments on postings of others with some further analysis or observations Responses are shallow contributions to discussion (e.g., “I agree” or “I disagree”) without any analysis of the content; does not enrich or further discussion Does not post comments to others
Participation Contributes regularly and on a timely basis; meets or exceeds minimum requirement for responses to classmates; always observes proper online etiquette (is respectful, courteous, and professional) Contributes occasionally and on a timely basis; meets the minimum requirement for replying to classmates; observes proper online etiquette Contributes infrequently and not on a timely basis; does not meet requirement for replying to classmates or always observe proper online etiquette Does not contribute to discussion on a timely basis or observe proper online etiquette or both

The University Senate Undergraduate and Graduate Councils have authorized that the following required statements appear in all teaching syllabi (graduate and undergraduate courses) on the Stony Brook Campus:
Student Accessibility Support Center Statement
If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, 128 ECC Building, (631) 632-6748, or via e-mail at: They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Academic Integrity Statement
Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person’s work as your own is always wrong. Faculty is required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at
Critical Incident Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students’ ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.

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Why choose us

You Want Quality and That’s What We Deliver

Professional Writers

We assemble our team by selectively choosing highly skilled writers, each boasting specialized knowledge in specific subject areas and a robust background in academic writing

Discounted Prices

Our service is committed to delivering the finest writers at the most competitive rates, ensuring that affordability is balanced with uncompromising quality. Our pricing strategy is designed to be both fair and reasonable, standing out favorably against other writing services in the market.

AI & Plagiarism-Free

Rest assured, you'll never receive a product tainted by plagiarism or AI-generated content. Each paper is research-written by human writers, followed by a rigorous scanning process of the final draft before it's delivered to you, ensuring the content is entirely original and maintaining our unwavering commitment to providing plagiarism-free work.

How it works

When you decide to place an order with Nurscola, here is what happens: