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Posted: June 22nd, 2022

Draft 2: Application of Social Media in Disaster Response

IT 700 Capstone Component 2: IT Project Report Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: For your IT project report, the second of three capstone components, you will imagine that the key stakeholders for whom you wrote your proposal gave you the go-ahead to implement your information technology solution to the problem you identified. You have designed and developed your project solution, and now you must report to the stakeholders.

In other words, for this capstone component, you will design and develop your project solution and then report on it. If you are able to implement your solution, include a summary of your implementation and testing in your report. If you are not able to implement your solution, you may develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project. In this case, in your report you should include a plan for implementation and testing.

Your report must provide clear evidence that your project was implemented and tested (or is implementable and testable). This can be achieved by documenting a demonstration of the project in use or documenting an explanation of the model, simulation, or prototype. Consider using video or screenshots to demonstrate and explain your project. If the implemented project is to be supplied to the instructor, you could provide a user manual that explains how to install, configure, and run the software. You are encouraged to submit artifacts of the project including diagrams, software applications, database designs, process documents, etc. Make sure to include clear instructions for accessing and using these artifacts. The design and development of your project solution should demonstrate professional level knowledge and skills.

Your project report should include at least one recommendation for future enhancements. Explain what you might add to the project if you had more resources? What risk(s) would you need to consider before the enhancement was implemented at some future point in time? What would have to happen first before the future enhancement was even considered seriously?

You will submit drafts of this component in Modules Four, Five, and Seven. You will have the opportunity to review your instructor’s feedback and submit the final draft of all sections of the IT Project Report in Milestone Nine.

The following sections are required in your project report (though you are not limited to including only these sections):

1. Project Design: Analyze the problem that you have identified and explain why the problem is significant. [Draft Submitted in Module Four]
2. Project Implementation: If you implemented your project, describe the implementation. If your project was not implemented, how would you implement it? As you work on the project each module, the status of the project will be updated in this section. Describe the status of the implementation to date. [Draft Submitted in Module Five]
3. Project Test Plans and Results: If you implemented and tested your project, describe how you tested your project. If your project was not implemented or tested, how would you test it? [Draft Submitted in Module Five]
4. Recommendations for Future Enhancements: Explain what you might add to the project if you had more resources. What risk(s) would you need to consider before the enhancement was implemented at some future point in time? What would have to happen first before the future enhancement was even considered seriously? [Draft Submitted in Module Seven]
5. Appendix: Supporting Evidence of Project Implementation: Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include your supporting documents in this section. For example, your screenshots or user manual should be included here. [Draft Submitted in Module Seven]

Component 2: IT Project Report Draft I Rubric

Overview: The IT project report draft due in Module Four should contain the following section:

o Section 1: Project Design

Your draft should address the following:

• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the problem or challenge you addressed
• Apply knowledge of stakeholder needs to report
• Evaluate how well the model worked
• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss the successes and challenges of the pilot
• Develop a modification strategy for the pilot

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Be sure to cite all sources in Ace homework tutors – APA format, including a properly formatted references list and the inclusion of in-text citations. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a title page with the title of the project, your name, and the date.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Problem Statement Clearly articulates the problem or challenge addressed Does not clearly articulate the problem or challenge addressed 30
Stakeholder Needs:
Application of Knowledge Applies knowledge of stakeholder needs
to the project design
Does not apply knowledge of stakeholder needs to the project design 30
Overview of Design Describes the project design, e.g., stages of development, challenges faced, etc. Does not describe the project design 30
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization 10
Earned Total 100%

Component 2: IT Project Report Drafts II and III Rubric

Overview: The IT project report drafts due in Modules Five and Six should contain the following sections:

o Section 2: Project Implementation
o Section 3: Project Test Plans and Results

Your draft should address the following:

• Describe the implementation of the project or the plan for implementation
• Describe the project testing or testing plan
• Assignment Help – Summarize your implementation and testing or develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must be submitted as a 2–3 pages Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Be sure to cite all sources in Ace homework tutors – APA format, including a properly formatted references list and the inclusion of in-text citations. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a title page with the title of the project, your name, and the date.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Project Implementation Clearly articulates the implementation of the project or provides a detailed implementation plan Does not clearly articulate implementation of the project or provide a detailed implementation plan 30
Project Testing Describes how the project was tested or a detailed testing plan Does not describe how the project was tested or a detailed testing plan 30
Report Homework help – Summary Assignment Help – Summarize s the implementation and testing of the project or develops a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project Does not summarize the implementation and testing of the project or develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project 30
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization 10
Earned Total 100%

Component 2: IT Project Report Draft IV Rubric

Overview: The IT project report draft due in Module Seven should contain the following sections:

o Section 4: Recommendations for Future Enhancements o Section 5: Appendix

Your draft should address the following:

• Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discuss how the successes/challenges/lessons learned from the project
• Describe a modification strategy/plan with actionable steps to improve upon the project
• Explain any potential issues (e.g., resource limitations or technical problems) that arose from the project
• Make sure your submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft must be submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Be sure to cite all sources in Ace homework tutors – APA format, including a properly formatted references list and the inclusion of in-text citations. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a title page with the title of the project, your name, and the date.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Challenges, and
Lessons Learned Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses how the successes, challenges, and/or lessons learned from the project could be applied to enhance the project in the future Does not discuss how the successes, challenges, and/or lessons learned from the project could be applied to enhance the project in the future 25
Strategies and
Actionable Steps Develops a modification strategy/plan for the project and describes actionable steps to improve upon the project Does not develop a modification strategy/plan for the project or does not describe actionable steps to improve upon the project 25
Potential Issues Explain any potential issues identified from the project (e.g., resource limitations or technical problems) Does not explain potential issues identified from the project 25
Appendix Supporting materials included provide
validating, reinforcing, and/or supplemental evidence that strengthens the project report Supporting materials are not included or do not validating, reinforcing, and/or supplemental evidence that strengthens the project report 15
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization 10
Earned Total 100%
Component 2: IT Project Report Draft V Rubric

Overview: The IT project report draft due in Module Eight should contain the following sections:

o Section 1: Project Design
o Section 2: Project Implementation
o Section 3: Project Test Plans and Results
o Section 4: Recommendations for Future Enhancements
o Section 5: Appendix

Guidelines for Submission: Be sure to cite all sources in Ace homework tutors – APA format, including a properly formatted references list and the inclusion of in-text citations. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include a title page with the title of the project, your name, and the date. Your report should be approximately 8–10 pages in length.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Not Proficient (0%) Value
Problem Statement Clearly articulates the problem or challenge addressed Does not clearly articulate the problem or challenge addressed 10
Needs: Application of Knowledge Applies knowledge of stakeholder needs to the project design Does not apply knowledge of stakeholder needs to the project design 10
Overview of Design Describes the project design, e.g., stages of development, challenges faced, etc. Does not describe the project design 10
Project Implementation Clearly articulates the implementation of the project or provides a detailed implementation plan Does not clearly articulate implementation of the project or provide a detailed implementation plan 10
Project Testing Describes how the project was tested or provides a detailed testing plan Does not describe how the project was tested or provide a detailed testing plan 10
Report Homework help – Summary Assignment Help – Summarize s the implementation and testing of the project or develops a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project Does not summarize the implementation and testing of the project or develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project 10
Challenges, and
Lessons Learned Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discusses how the successes, challenges, and/or lessons learned from the project could be applied to enhance the project in the future Does not discuss how the successes, challenges, and/or lessons learned from the project could be applied to enhance the project in the future 10
Strategies and
Actionable Steps Develops a modification strategy/plan for the project and describes actionable steps to improve upon the project Does not develop a modification strategy/plan for the project or does not describe actionable steps to improve upon the project 10
Potential Issues Explain any potential issues identified from the project (e.g., resource limitations or technical problems) Does not explain potential issues identified from the project 10

Appendix Supporting materials included provide validating, reinforcing, and/or supplemental evidence that strengthens the project report Supporting materials are not included or do not validating, reinforcing, and/or supplemental evidence that strengthens the project report 10
Earned Total 100%

Draft 2: Application of Social Media in Disaster Response

Adoption plan
The first step in the adoption of the project will be the assessment of high impact features and their relevance to the project. Taking into consideration the importance of the area of application, various disaster scenarios will be deployed in phases. At first, a pilot project will be run to evaluate the application of social media in disaster management. Later on, the technology will be rolled out to large scale applications.
The information required for this study shall be obtained from online databases. Various materials related to the use of social media in disaster management shall be retrieved. Journals, books, as well as website materials, shall be used to generate the required information. Selection of the materials which shall be used for the study is going to be based on aspects such as relevance, and the time when the publication was made. For the materials which are closely related to the use of social media in disaster management, the more detailed ones shall be used as opposed to those containing only small details of the required information (McLeod, 2017). The time of publication shall also be important, and therefore, only materials, with less than five years, from the time this research was conducted, shall be selected for the study.
Social media has been used in various cases, more so, in the solving of catastrophes, and major disasters. A notable example is the manner in which it has been used in times of disasters, especially earthquakes and tsunamis, where responses are more effective in saving lives. In this study, the data that shall be used is quantitative in nature. This is because the research shall be conducted using readily available information. Quantitative research methods rely on the already existing material (McLeod, 2017). During data collection, research shall mainly involve the evaluation of the various online materials. In order to maintain the effectiveness of the online data collected, some programs designed for quantitative data collection such as ATLAS, shall be used (McLeod, 2017). The process of data analysis will entail the use of methods such as graphical analysis, statistical analysis, and theoretical interpretations.
In the implementation of the project, the agile method will be applied. The approach will help to ensure that any unexpected occurrence is properly addressed. Requirement analysis will also be implemented during project development to ensure that it is effective and meets the needs of the users (McLeod, 2017). The process of requirement analysis will start with the determination of the user needs. The functional and performance requirements will also be determined. Finally, functional analysis will be conducted with the goal of ensuring that resources are allocated where required. Overarching methodology will be applied in the coordination of these activities.
Different tools will be required for various purposes in the implementation of this project. For data collection purposes, some of the tools that can be used include the internet, interviews, online databases, libraries, video recordings, as well as the use of focus groups (Marsan, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). In this study, however, the main tools for data collection shall be through the use of the computer systems, and the use of the internet. The main processes that will be applied in the study include web-based surveys, personal digital assistants (PADs), the use of the audio computer assisted self-interviewing programs (ACASI) (Marsan, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). During the implementation of the project, the main communication shall include Skype, emails for one-on-one conversations, social media, weekly status reports, daily standup meetings, as well as the iteration planning meetings (Marsan, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service).
In this research, there are different tools which shall be used for the workflow automation, and which are essential to any project. Some of the major tools include effective roll-out and training process plan, early project piloting and planning process, proper integration process, as well as the proper documentation of events and plans for the project (Marsan, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). During the analysis process, various tools such as Graphical analysis software, and the statistical analysis software, such as ethnography shall also be used (Marsan, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). In order to ensure effectiveness and success in the project, the PMBOK-Project Management Body of Knowledge can be used to test the quality of the final product.
The system will be used to coordinate rescue operations through the integration of social media into the existing communication systems. It will be applied before and after disasters have taken place. Some of the functional requirements of the system include ability to connect people using social media networks, ability to link different social media platforms, and real time updates via social media.
The project requirements will be categorized into business requirements, technical requirements and stakeholder’s requirements. Business requirements focus on the project costs. The total amount of money which shall be required amounts to oversee the implementation of the project is estimated at$ 2, 000, for a period of three months. A breakdown of the cost requirements is given below.
Item Units Total Amount ($)
Purchasing computers @ $400 1 4,00
stationary 20 3,00
Personnel payments @ $5,00 2 1,000
Research and Other expenditures $ 3,00 N/A 3,00
Total Amount $2,000
In this project, the stakeholders include government agencies that deal with disaster mitigation and response, the public, community groups, the local administration, and IT developers and vendors. All the participants are affected by disaster response in one way or another. The technical skills that will required for the project include accounting skills, programing skills, and networking skills. These skills will be provided by programmers, accountants and IT engineers. It is expected that they will all work together for the overall success of the project.
Gap Analysis
Currently, there are very few applications that enable the use of social media in disaster management. As a result, it becomes quite difficult to coordinate rescue operations. To solve this problem, the proposed system connects different social media networks. It enables real time use of social media networks to relay and receive information about different emergencies. It also enables the location of the affected people so as to ensure that the required aid is deployed within a very short time.
There are many rules which govern this project, and most important, are the cyber security rules and regulations governing the use of social media in public service. First, authority must be granted by the department of homeland security to use social media. Secondly, all the data collected from social media must be obtained with consent from the users and should not be shared with third parties without their permission. Thirdly, copyrighted information must not be used without the consent of the data owners (Lee-Ashley, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). These rules are important in ensuring that there is compliance with the law and observing the rights of the other people.

Lee-Ashley, M., (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer). Social Media Policy. U.S. Department of the Interior. Online Access
Marsan, A., (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). 9 Essential Tools for Project Communication. Atomic Object LLC. Online Access – Research Paper Writing Help Service/03/01/project-communication-tools/
McLeod, S., (2017). Qualitative vs. Quantitative. Simply psychology. Online Access

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