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Posted: August 22nd, 2022


Weighting: 30% of final grade
Length: Approximately 2000 words + / 10% (excluding references)
Due Date: Week 7
Time: 5.00 PM via EIT Online drop box
The School of Business has a policy of no late assignments. However, an assignment handed in up to 24 hours late will be marked. A deduction of 20% of the total marks available will be made. Any assignments received more than 24 hours late will not be marked.
This assignment can be completed by either an individual or a group of no more than four students. Assignment aligns with LO3 and is the logical sequel to assignment 1 part 2 (digital marketing strategic report). The assignment is aimed at helping students apply industry relevant marketing skills and knowledge in developing a digital marketing campaign proposal for a selected company.
Based on the results of the digital audit, students are expected to design a data-driven proposal that 1) addresses a company’s marketing goals, 2) includes at least 4 campaign artefacts such as ad mock- ups, email marketing templates, etc., 3) outlines budget & KPIs, 4) addresses specific possibilities for digital and traditional marketing integration, and 5) uses relevant supporting evidence such as marketing theories and industry insights.
Campaign artefacts should be shared via Trello. Adparlor is recommended for mock-ups creation.
The assignment is based on the industry digital marketing strategy guides by Hubspot:
1) Digital marketing for beginners: Guide for small businesses getting started with digital strategy
2) A workbook to audit your client’s marketing strategy
The step-by-step guide to creating a complete marketing strategy in 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers, Hubspot
7 Digital marketing strategies and how to plan your own campaign, Hubspot
Digital marketing for beginners: Guide for small businesses getting started with digital strategy, Hubspot
Page 1 of 11
Hanlon, A., & Chaffey, D. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Digital marketing models: Frameworks and tools for digital audit, planning and strategy. Smart Insights
Patel, N. How to create an online marketing plan that will grow [nearly] any business
SEO in 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers: Improve, improve, improve, Yoast
SEO and content marketing, Content Marketing Institute
Adams, R.L (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The three fundamental principles of online marketing. Forbes
A workbook to audit your client’s marketing strategy, Hubspot
Digital marketing for beginners: Guide for to small businesses getting started with digital strategy, Hubspot
SEMrush, online platform that tests online visibility and provides marketing analytics
How we doubled email signups in 30 days: Our strategies to get more email subscribers, Buffer
Irvine, M. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). Facebook ad benchmarks for your industry, WorldStream
Social media marketing strategy guide: Eight easy steps to develop your social media presence, Hootsuite Adparlor, Ad mockup generator
Trello, a visual tool for organising campaign artefacts
Newberry, C. (2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers). How to advertise on Facebook in 2020: The definitive Facebook ads guide, Hootsuite
To complete the assessment, students are expected to complete three major tasks. The details are given below.
Assessment Task 1 Task: Introduction
This section of the proposal explains the purpose of the proposal and briefly outlines the proposal structure
1. State the purpose of the proposal
2. Describe your starting point (problems and/or motivation)
3. Briefly outline the structure of your proposal
Task: Campaign fundamentals
This section establishes a foundation for the proposed digital marketing campaign
Assessment Task 2 Guidelines:
Based on the results of the digital audit, outline the following:
1. Problem statement: determine the main focus areas where digital marketing efforts are most needed. Select one focus area for the campaign. Justify the proposal by providing a rational for change/modification of the company’s current digital marketing strategy. It is recommended to use relevant evidence such as marketing theories and industry insights.
2. Solution statement: briefly introduce your solutions to identified problems & how they will be addressed in the campaign.
3. Company’s offerings selected for a campaign: briefly describe the company’s product/service selected for a campaign, its features/benefits, positioning, USP (if applicable), and brand characteristics that will be used in the campaign.
4. Main competitors (two direct competitors): in what areas competitors’ digital marketing strategy outperforms your company in promoting similar product/service, and how will it be addressed in your digital marketing campaign.
5. Target market (BP): select one target market for the campaign. Create a BP and develop a clear value proposition relevant to your BP.
Task: Campaign strategy
Based on the selected problem focus area, outline and justify the key campaign components, a channel strategy, budget, KPIs, integration approaches and predicted impact.

Assessment Task 3 Guidelines:
Based on the identified focus area, target market, digital marketing goal and objectives, select at least two components your digital marketing campaign will be structured around and outline the strategy and deliverables. Your proposal should include the following:
1. The title of the campaign
2. Marketing goal and objectives. Select one of the marketing goals the company should focus on. For example, brand awareness, lead generation, brand differentiation from competitors, etc. Make sure your goal is SMART.
Consider campaign objectives, that is, the steps towards your goal (at least 2). They may relate to website traffic, social media reach, conversion rate, etc.
3. Strategy components (at least 2). Choose 2 from the following:
• Website/blog performance: solutions (at least 2) for website design/user experience/optimisation and SEO/social media & email integration/traffic sources/conversions/content strategy
• Social media marketing: solutions (at least 2) for better reach/engagement/conversions/loyalty. Content strategy (types/formats/topics of content & frequency of posting). Channel plan. Make sure to consider the BP’s journey in making decision about the channel plan
• Email marketing: solutions (at least 2) for building subscriber list/email type, design and delivery/email marketing optimisation/increasing CTR/integration with website and social media. Content strategy
• Pay-Per Click (PPC) campaigns using Google Ads: solutions (at least 2) for paid advertising and optimisation of paid search
• Brand partnerships: solutions (at least 2) for improving brand awareness and enriching the content strategy through influencer marketing
4. Integration: provide solutions for integrating your digital campaign with traditional marketing (at least 2). Justify your ideas by using relevant literature and industry insights
5. Budget: provide a realistic budget supported by relevant industry data.
6. KPIs: explain how the campaign’s progress will be measured. Provide important metrics for each platform selected for the campaign associated with selected goal and objectives (at least 2 KPIs for each platform)
7. Predicted impact: outline the anticipated outcomes of the campaign relevant to proposed goal and objectives (at least 4, 2 outcomes for each campaign objective)
It is important to provide at least 4 campaign artefacts such as ad mock-ups, email marketing templates/list of keywords/website or blog post to illustrate the proposed solutions and your digital marketing campaign in general (2 for each campaign component).
It is recommended to use the industry digital campaign guides selected for the assignment. Guides and templates are available on Moodle. Supporting evidence (for example, screen shots of ad mock-ups, email templates) should be provided in the assignment. Campaign artefacts in full size should be shared via Trello.
Be sure to consider the performance criteria on the marking rubric for this assessment.
Weighting: 10% of final grade
Length: Approximately 20 minutes
Due Date: Week 7
Time: 5.00 PM
The School of Business has a policy of no late assignments. However, an assignment handed in up to 24 hours late will be marked. A deduction of 20% of the total marks available will be made. Any assignments received more than 24 hours late will not be marked.
A brief presentation of the key areas of your digital marketing plan. Students are expected to present a data-driven proposal that
1) addresses a company’s marketing goals,
2) Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include s at least 4 campaign artefacts such as ad mock-ups, email marketing templates, etc., 3) Outlines budget & KPIs,
4) Addresses specific possibilities for digital and traditional marketing integration, 5) Uses relevant supporting evidence such as marketing theories and industry insights.
To complete the assessment, students are expected to complete three major tasks. The details are given below.
1) Complete a presentation of your Digital Marketing Plan in PowerPoint and do a video to be uploaded to YouTube.
2) No more than 10 slides in 5 minutes.
3) Put the clickable URL or your video presentation directly under your Executive Homework help – Summary
4) Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include images of your slides in Appendix A: Presentation
Assignment 2 Part 1 Marking Rubric
DBPG. 200 Digital Marketing Plan Student Name:
Page 7 of 11
3. Company’s offerings/USP/ /brand/competitors/ – Shows excellent
insights into the company’s offerings/positioning/branding. – Excellent justification of the choice of two competitors. – Explicitly relates the implication of competitors’ analysis to the proposed campaign. – Always able to
synthesise and integrate relevant supporting evidence. – Shows good insights into the company’s offerings/positioning/branding. – Good justification of the choice of two competitors.
– Mostly explicitly relates
the implication of competitors’ analysis to the proposed campaign.
– Often able to synthesise
and integrate relevant supporting evidence. – Shows fair insights into the company’s offerings/positioning/branding. – Fair justification of the choice of two competitors.
– Partially relates the
implication of competitors’ analysis to the proposed campaign.
– Sometimes able to
synthesise and integrate relevant supporting evidence. – Shows no insights or minimal insights into the company’s offerings/positioning/branding. – No justification of the choice of two competitors or justification is insufficient.
– The implication of competitors’ analysis to the proposed campaign is not provided or irrelevant.
– Not able to synthesise and integrate relevant supporting evidence.
8-7 6-5 4-3 0-2
4. Buyer persona/value proposition – Develops a clear value proposition relevant to the BP. – BP profile provided in great detail.
– Justification is always provided. – Develops a clear value
proposition mostly relevant to the BP.
– BP profile provided in good detail.
– Justification is often provided. – Develops a value proposition partially relevant to the BP. – BP profile provided in fair detail. – Justification is sometimes provided. – The value proposition is irrelevant to the BP.
– BP profile provided in minimal detail, many missing points. – Justification is not provided or is insufficient.
12-10 9-8 7-6 0-5
Campaign Strategy
5. Marketing goal & objectives – Develops a relevant
SMART goal that directly addresses the campaign focus area. – Provides two specific objectives that are relevant to the campaign goal.
– Justification is always provided. – Develops a mostly
relevant SMART goal that directly addresses the campaign focus area.
– Provides two mostly
specific objectives that are relevant to the campaign goal. – Justification is often provided. – Develops a partially relevant SMART goal that to some extent addresses the campaign focus area.
– Provides two objectives
that are partially relevant to the campaign goal, or one is not specific enough.
– Justification is sometimes provided. – SMART goal is irrelevant to the campaign focus area.
– Two objectives are
irrelevant to the campaign goal, or both are not specific enough. – Justification is not provided or is insufficient.
9-10 7-8 5-6 0-4
6. Strategy
components & integration solutions – Two strategy
components are accurately selected and relevant to the campaign goal/objectives. – Valid solutions (at least 2) are put forth, and relevant to the first campaign component identified and explained in great detail. – Valid solutions (at least 2) are put forth, and relevant to the second campaign component identified and explained in great detail.
– Excellent campaign
artefacts relevant to the campaign objectives provided (at least 4). – Two valid relevant solutions for digital and traditional marketing integration provided in great detail.
– Justification is always provided. – Two strategy components
are accurately selected and mostly relevant to the campaign goal/objectives.
– Mostly valid solutions (at
least 2) are put forth, relevant to the first campaign component identified and explained in good detail. – Mostly valid solutions (at least 2) are put forth, relevant to the
second campaign component identified and explained in good detail.
– Good campaign artefacts
relevant to the campaign
objectives provided (at least 4). – Two mostly valid relevant solutions for digital and traditional marketing integration provided in good detail.
– Justification is often provided. – Two strategy components
are selected and partially relevant to the campaign goal/objectives. – Partially valid and relevant solutions (at least 2) are put forth for the first campaign component identified and explained in fair detail.
– Partially valid and relevant
solutions (at least 2) are put forth for the second campaign component identified and explained in fair details.
– Fair campaign artefacts relevant to the campaign objectives provided (at least 4).
– Two partially valid relevant
solutions for digital and traditional marketing integration provided in fair detail.
– Justification is sometimes provided. – Two strategy components
are selected, but irrelevant to the campaign goal/objectives. –
Solutions (at least 2) are irrelevant to the first campaign component or explained in minimal detail.
– Solutions (at least 2) are irrelevant to the second campaign component or explained in minimal detail.
– Insufficient campaign
artefacts (less than 4) provided or they are irrelevant to the campaign objectives.
– Solutions for digital and traditional marketing integration are not valid and relevant or provided in minimal detail. – Justification is not provided or is insufficient.
18-20 14-17 10-13 0-9
7. Budget – Budget is accurately categorised and relevant to the campaign.
– Budget is realistic and reflects the industry digital marketing spend.
– Justification is always provided. – Budget is accurately categorised and mostly relevant to the campaign.
– Budget is mostly realistic and reflects the industry digital marketing spend.
– Justification is often provided. – Budget is categorised
and partially relevant to the campaign. – Budget is partially realistic and reflects the industry digital marketing spend.
– Justification is sometimes provided. – Budget is not
categorised or is irrelevant to the campaign. – Budget is not realistic or does not reflect the industry digital marketing spend. – Justification is not provided or is insufficient.
9-10 7-8 5-6 0-4
8. KPIs and predicted impact – Provides four valid and relevant KPIs.
– Explains how the campaign progress will be measured in great detail.
– Evaluates KPIs in a way that reflects an in-depth understanding of digital media metrics. – Provides four mostly valid and relevant KPIs.
– Explains how the
campaign progress will be measured in good detail.
– Evaluates KPIs in a way
that reflects a good understanding of digital media metrics. – Outlines two anticipated outcomes mostly relevant to the campaign objectives. – Provides four partially valid and relevant KPIs.
– Explains how the campaign progress will be measured in fair detail.
– Evaluates KPIs in a way that reflects a basic understanding of digital media metrics. – Outlines two anticipated outcomes partially relevant to the campaign objectives. – Proposed KPIs are irrelevant or incomplete.
– No explanation of how the campaign progress will be measured or explanation is insufficient.
– Evaluates KPIs in a way that reflects lack of understanding or faulty understanding of digital media metrics.
– Outlines two
anticipated outcomes relevant to the campaign objectives.
– Justification for selected KPIs and predicted impact is always provided and supported by relevant evidence. – Justification for selected KPIs and predicted impact is often provided and supported by relevant evidence. – Justification for selected KPIs and predicted impact is sometimes provided and supported by relevant evidence. – Two anticipated outcomes are irrelevant to the campaign objectives, or not identified. – Justification for selected KPIs and predicted impact is not provided or insufficient, or not supported by relevant evidence.
12-10 9-8 7-6 0-5
Academic writing
8. Writing style/grammar/refere ncing Writing is always clear, precise, and avoids redundancy. – Strong links are always established between the proposed ideas and supporting evidence.
– Coherent report
structure/ logical development of argumentation. No formatting errors.
– Always accurately and
consistently adheres to Ace homework tutors – APA referencing style in both in-text and the reference list. – No punctuation, spelling, or/and grammatical errors. – Writing is mostly clear, precise, and avoids redundancy. – Strong links are often established between the proposed ideas and supporting evidence. – Mostly coherent report structure/ logical development of argumentation.
Minor formatting errors.
– Almost always accurately and consistently adheres to Ace homework tutors – APA referencing style in both in-text and the reference list.
– Minor punctuation,
spelling, or/and grammatical errors. – Writing is partly clear, precise, and avoids redundancy.
– Links are sometimes
established between the proposed ideas and supporting evidence, or established links are not strong enough.
– Partially coherent report structure/ logical development of argumentation. Some formatting errors.
– Adheres to Ace homework tutors – APA
referencing style in both in-text referencing and the reference list, but with errors. – Some punctuation, spelling, or/and grammatical errors. – Writing is not clear, precise, and has redundancy.
– Links are not established between the proposed ideas and supporting evidence, or established links are unclear.
– Incoherent report
structure/illogical development of argumentation. Many formatting errors.
– Does not adhere to Ace homework tutors – APA referencing style in both in-text referencing and the reference list.
Many consistent errors. – Many punctuation, spelling, or/and grammatical errors.
8-7 6-5 4-3 2-0
Total /100
Assignment 2 Part 2 Digital Marketing Presentation Marking Rubric
Student Names: 1. 3.
2. 4.
5= Outstanding, 4= Accomplished, 3= Capable, 2= Needs improvement, 1= Fail/Not attempted
Organization and Content (40%): 5 4 3 2 1
1. Introduction was interesting
2. Current issues / problems faced by the firm and potential solutions through digital marketing is well presented.
3. Demonstration of insights into the firm’s offerings / brand position in the selected market
4. Strategic plan presents the value proposition for the selected target market
5. Goals and objectives of the chosen digital marketing campaign is clearly presented
6. Justification for the proposed digital marketing campaign is sufficient.
7. At least two digital marketing campaign components (e.g. websites, social media, AI, email etc.) were completely developed
8. Relevant KPIs were presented in order to monitor and measure the digital marketing efforts
Strategic Action Plan (20%): 5 4 3 2 1
1. Problem and solution clearly defined
2. Steps for completion of the campaign is provided
3. Projected completion date established
4. Any financial considerations were addressed
Delivery (20%): 5 4 3 2 1
1. Knew the material without reading the slides
2. Was energetic, engaging, poised, and confident
3. Dressed appropriately and professionally
4. Responded completely and coherently
Digital Marketing Certification (20%) 10 8 6 4 0
1. Successfully completed one online digital marketing course during the course term.
2. Successfully completed at least two online digital marketing courses during the course term.
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