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Posted: September 9th, 2022
Compulsory Military Service
The United States has a history of mandatory drafting when the country was facing imminent danger. Some instances include the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I and II, and the Cold War. Mandatory military training undermines military service quality, violates personal will and freedom, and puts people at risk of injuries and mental illnesses. American should employ proactive approaches to defending the country and ensuring peace and tranquility (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The government should deploy technological tools to reinforce the country’s military prowess. Technologies that utilize few soldiers will favor the country in the long run. Countries that maintain mandatory military service are always at risk of an attack. Mandatory military service is important if the sovereignty of a country is at stake. In the 1900s, Americans were inspired to fight in World War II to maintain their sovereignty. Today, the citizens have no inspiration since they are not experiencing any imminent attack by foreign countries. The United States does not require mandatory military service. The United States today is fighting a different war that requires less military personnel, advanced technologies, and intensive training.
Mandatory Military Service
Compulsory military service was instituted by various countries to fill military gaps that could not be filled with volunteer signups. The United States has a history of mandatory drafting when the country was facing imminent danger (Ahomäki et al., 2017). Some instances include the Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I and II, and the Cold War. The country later stopped the compulsory drafting. Other countries such as Israel and South Korea still embrace the practice (Ahomäki et al., 2017). The practice has various demerits that prompt the United States to be hesitant to recommend the policy.
Reasons Against
Mandatory military service is compulsory for all individuals in a specific age bracket. The people have no freedom to decide whether to participate or not. The practice violates personal freedom and will to choose (Ahomäki et al., 2017). It would not be unpalatable for the American population who believe in personal choice and freedom. The country is thus not fit for compulsory military service. Compelling people into the military would lead to undecided people about military duties (Haken, 2020). Such people may give up or relent in their duties, leading to defeat by the enemy. For example, the current military selection and volunteer signups in American are based on resilience (Haken, 2020). Even people who are willing to join the military can be disqualified based on their characteristics and lack of resilience during the training.
Mandatory military training undermines the quality of military service. Since the people in the program are forced to join the service, they will lack the preparedness to defend the country during the war (Haken, 2020). For instance, the people who qualify for military missions in war-torn countries should possess specific skills. If such people were not selected using specific criteria, the military would be at risk of losing the battle (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The United States military requires to improve military service welfare to attract more people. For instance, the army should ensure that the welfare of the soldiers is taken care of. The motivation will compel more people to sign up when the government provides opportunities.
American should employ proactive approaches to defending the country and ensuring peace and tranquility. The proactive approaches include recruiting soldiers annually and providing them with intensive training (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Regular recruitment will attract a large number of people who want to serve in the military. The preparedness will ensure the country is not facing a shortage in case of war. Mandatory military service was first employed when the country was facing a critical shortage of personnel (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Planning will eliminate such shortages and provide sufficient service members to defend the country all the time.
Not everyone is fit for military service. Research shows that over 40,000 military personnel who return from military missions such as Iraq and Afghanistan experience post-traumatic disorder (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The statistics demonstrate that the service is for specific people who have resilience and passion. Mandatory military service would increase cases of the post-traumatic disorder. Already, the case of the post-traumatic disorder is a discouragement for people willing to serve in the army. It is the government’s responsibility to create a positive image of the service (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). It should develop successful stories of people who joined the service and accomplished life goals. The positive image and communication will attract a large audience willing to participate in military duties.
A Different Approach
The United States’ young population should not be subjected to military service since it would interfere with their ability to pursue other goals. Young people have opportunities to pursue their careers and innovations (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Disruption of the goals would interfere with the nation’s performance in other sectors. The government should deploy technological tools to reinforce the country’s military prowess. Technologies that utilize few soldiers will favor the country in the long run (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). For example, drones are effective in combat since it saves the lives of people and does not require many soldiers.
Mandatory military service is based on the assumption that the country will lose its military personnel in the war. It began when the country was banking on a massive military personnel population to overcome the enemy (Ahomäki et al., 2017). Today, the approach has changed. The country now provides intensive training to a few men. The few men who have passion can accomplish tasks that would have been done by multiple people (Ahomäki et al., 2017). For example, the invasion that killed Osama Bin Laden only involved a small team of highly specialized servicemen. The approach is to develop highly-specialized teams that will take on the enemy in war.
The United States population requires security measures that involve the deployment of technology. The technologies include measures that will neutralize the enemy before they attack. Some of the technologies include submarines that should stay on alert to identify and neutralize the enemy (Ahomäki et al., 2017). The proactive approach is better compared to fighting the enemy after the invasion. Other technologies include computer software that tracks individuals to carry out attacks in the country or beyond (Ahomäki et al., 2017). For example, the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, who was considered a threat, involved satellite images and information about his movements. The technologies are safer and effective compared to drafting thousands of soldiers.
Countries that maintain mandatory military service are always at risk of an attack. Therefore, they have to prepare the citizens for any emergency that can arise. For example, Israel is justified to maintain the mandatory service since it is surrounded by enemies (Ahomäki et al., 2017). In the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel announced that all Federal Reserve servicemen should report to their designated base to protect the nation. The United States is not facing such a risk today (Ahomäki et al., 2017). One of the instances that prompted the country to improve the security systems is the 9/11 attacks. Such instances require technological countermeasures that will fight against terrorist activities.
The United States does not require mandatory military service. The mandatory approach would draft people with radical views about their country. When radical people have access to weapons of mass destruction or guns, they can harm others (Haken, 2020). For example, in Iraq’s fighting missions, military personnel are under instruction to ensure they do not harm or kill civilians and their property. The focus is only on the terrorists. However, people with no emotional balance or a sober mind will execute all the residents of an area infected by terrorists (Haken, 2020). Military service requires people who have the dedication and know-how to control their emotions.
People who refuse to follow the national orders will file legal suits in court. The legal battles will cost both the public and government expensive large amounts of money (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). For instance, Korematsu v. the United States and Hirabayashi v. the United States are major court cases that show the government’s irresponsibility in trying to control the masses. For example, in the ruling of the cases, it was clear that the government discriminated against people of a particular skin color or background (Haken, 2020). Similarly, targeting young people to serve in the military by force would amount to legal battles and huge compensations.
A Different War
Today, the world is fighting a different war that requires fewer personnel, advanced technologies, and more training. Today, cybercrimes are common, unlike physical wars. The security department should deploy more personnel to prevent cybercrimes. The criteria for recruiting such personnel should be based on professional skills and experience (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). For example, reports show that foreign countries try to interfere with the United States’ elections. The approach to eliminating such threats is deploying professionals in information technology. Another risk that shows the world is fighting a different battle is a data breach (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Countries are aspiring to hack databases and steal massive data for their use. It is the government’s responsibility to deploy diverse and unique tactics that will prevent the country from cybercrimes and data breaches.
The United States is not facing multiple threats of attacks. In the 1900s, the nation was facing attacks that would lead to loss of land to the enemies. For example, France was able to defend its territory against European monarchies’ invasion in the 16th century (Torun & Tumen, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Qin Empire conquered a large area that is today part of China. Although the examples demonstrate the benefits of mandatory military service, today’s world is rarely facing such challenges. The United States is facing other battles that require unique approaches (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Technological advancements and inventions are eliminating the need for massive military personnel.
Reasons For
The United States can embrace mandatory military service to achieve various benefits of the program. Recruiting young people between 18 and 35 provides an opportunity for them to learn diverse skills (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The skills include responsibility, courage, stress management, planning, and global awareness. The skills would eliminate the risk of drug and substance abuse among the young generation. Currently, the world is fighting drug and alcohol abuse among young adults in colleges and universities. Implementation of a mandatory service will ensure that such people are busy serving the nation and away from the risk of drug abuse.
Equality in the United States is a problem affecting communities and individuals. The recent killings of Jacob Blake and George Floyd have triggered the debate about systemic racism. Mandatory military service can help solve the problem in the country (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). It would ensure that the rich, the celebrities, the poor, young and old, black or white, are subjected to military training and service. The issue would create national equality and cohesion since no one would feel unique to others (Jacquin & Zampa, 2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The approach is an effective strategy to end the problem of systemic racism.
Mandatory service will create a sense of understanding and participation in government activities. People would appreciate the government’s problems in fighting off an enemy or establishing peace (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). For example, the men who fought in military missions in Iraq and Afghanistan understand the country’s threats. The understanding will prompt the citizens to avoid criminal activities in their neighborhoods or protesting (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). The reason is that they understand the struggles the servicemen go through to maintain peace.
Military service promotes discipline and focus. The people who serve in the military are likely to succeed in life since they learn various skills. The skills will help the country’s population learn how to work hard and support their country in achieving various goals (Barany, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Ex-servicemen will attempt to keep off illegal activities that can undermine the peace and stability of the nation. The personnel will attempt to develop local solutions for the problems affecting their state or city (Ahomäki et al., 2017). People who serve in the army can effectively fight drug cartels in the neighborhood or city. The mandatory approach would solve the problems in society in the generations to come.
Serving in the army will allow people to see that keeping the peace is a personal initiative. The citizens will seek to be responsible for their actions without blaming the government. Today, people blame the government for all the illegal activities in their state (Ahomäki et al., 2017). The lessons would help people to take responsibility for their actions. For instance, recently, the nation has experienced demonstrations in various cities. Demonstrations that lead to massive destruction of property are a result of a lack of discipline. The government can tackle such problems in the future by allowing people to be in military service for several years (Ahomäki et al., 2017). The approach will help the community know the struggles the government experiences to maintain peace, law, and order.
Mandatory military service is essential when the sovereignty of a nation is at stake. In the 1900s, Americans were inspired to fight in World War II to maintain their sovereignty. By the time the nation engaged in the Vietnam War, people had considered the military’s adverse effects (Haken, 2020). Similarly, scholars have analyzed the benefits and disadvantages of compulsory military service. Studies demonstrate that people cannot serve effectively if they are forced to sign up without personal will. Military experiences and training require dedication that is rare in many people (Haken, 2020). Today, voluntary recruitment is an effective approach that has served the country for decades. The country has not faced any critical danger for the lack of mandatory military recruitment. It is thus not the time to embrace the approach since better strategies of fighting enemies are emerging. For example, computerized weapons can neutralize enemies from a distance (Haken, 2020). The use of drones to strike or survey an area is effective compared to recruiting thousands of service members.
Compulsory military service was instituted by various countries to fill military gaps that could not be filled with volunteer signups. American should employ proactive approaches to defending the country and ensuring peace and tranquility. The proactive approaches include recruiting soldiers annually and providing them with intensive training. The government should deploy technological tools to reinforce the country’s military security prowess. Some of the technologies include submarines that should stay on alert to identify and neutralize the enemy. The criteria for recruiting such personnel should be based on professional skills and experience. If the country adopts mandatory recruitment, it will enjoy various benefits. Recruiting young people between 18 and 35 years provides an opportunity for them to learn diverse skills. The skills include responsibility, courage, stress management, planning, and global awareness. Mandatory military service is important when the sovereignty of a nation is at stake. In the 1900s, Americans were inspired to fight in World War II to maintain their sovereignty. Today, the country’s sovereignty is not at risk, and thus mandatory military service is not appropriate for the American population.
Ahomäki, R., Harila-Saari, A., Parkkola, K., Matomäki, J., & Lähteenmäki, P. M. (2017). Compulsory military service as a measure of later physical and cognitive performance in male survivors of childhood cancer. Acta Oncologica, 56(12), 1712-1719.
Barany, Z. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Soldiers of Arabia: Explaining Compulsory Military Service in the Gulf. Journal of Arabian Studies, 8(1), 118-140.
Haken, J. K. (2020). Compulsory Military Service. Sabretache, 61(1), 23.
Jacquin, J., & Zampa, M. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). Do we still need an army like in the First World War? An argumentative analysis of a television debate on abolishing compulsory military service in Switzerland. Discourse & Communication, 10(5), 479-499.
Torun, H., & Tumen, S. (2016: 2024 – Do my homework – Help write my assignment online). The effects of compulsory military service exemption on education and labor market outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment. Economics of Education Review, 54, 16-35.
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