Verbal Assessment guide: Key (1) Citation- include this in your group’s bibliography in alphabetical order. (2) Introduction- briefly describe the research area and the researchers. (3) Aims & Research methods- state if the research is qualitative or quantitative, mixed methods or Kaupapa Maori, and briefly outline the methods. (4) Scope- where was the research caried […]
World of Maths Assignment 3: Presentation submission point Assignment details Word/time limit: 6 minute video (+/- 1 minute) Weighting: 30% Due date: 5pm AEDT Monday 8 May 2023 (Week 8) In this unit, you will be required to use Studio for creating and submitting video content for Assignment 3: Presentation. Details on what you need […]
IAB402 – IS Consulting – 2023 S1 Mini-Proposal | Assignment 1 DUE – WEEK 7 via Canvas [due by Friday 21 April 2023 @ 11:59 PM (23:59)] 20% = 15% Proposal + 5% (Peer & Tutor Review) Ace my homework – Write a 5 page (maximum) Mini-Proposal for the following Consulting Engagement We write to […]
Name: Using the provided quotes from The Glass Castle, and support from a provided article, explain how Jeannette Walls was a victim of child abuse. Make sure your quotes properly support your argument and are integrated into your response. Your body paragraphs should be written in ALICE format. Thesis statement (one sentence focusing on […]
Initial Post InstructionsRather than living in chaos, danger, and the hostility of our neighbors, we find ways to live together. It isn’t easy, but can we avoid doing so? If everybody has self-interest in their own welfare and safety, then everybody also has self-interest in the welfare and safety of others. Self-interest involves community interest, […]
After reading this week’s article, and any other relevant research you locate, please discuss the following in your main post:. Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why? Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why? I need help writing my essay – research paper […]
UbD Practice: Stage 2, Assessment. Prepare Reflect Stage 2 of the backward design process considers the ways in which we assess learning—the desired results identified in Stage 1. It is important to include a variety of ways to assess as to provide valid, reliable, and sufficient evidence that learning occurred (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005). Remember: think […]
Let’s start with the research question that will be the subject of all your projects this semester. I need help writing my essay – research paper come up with a topic in criminal justice and then a specific question related to that topic which will be the subject of your projects Do not be too general […]
(I started, can you finish) Unit 1 Quiz This quiz contains 8 short answer questions on topics from Chapters 1 and 2 of your text. Your answers should be 1- 3 paragraphs long and will be worth a total of 100 points. In order to avoid timing out when you take the quiz, prepare answers […]
Imagine you are the CIO of a large company (e.g., financial institution, national fast food franchise, mobile phone service provider, large Internet based company, etc.) that is experiencing a few industry changes (e.g., fiscal or regulatory changes, new competition, new market forces, changing technologies, etc.). The executive leadership wants to completely understand your customers to […]