Response-s I was pleased to read your post. Just like you I do agree with Stephen Hawking when he says that AI can be the best or worst thing ever. However, your answer to the discussion question is too brief and lacks detail. For instance, when it comes to explaining how AI can be the […]
Cybercrime The internet is one of the growing areas of technological advancement. In today’s world, there are trends towards digitization, which are growing at an alarming rate. The demand for the internet and connection of computers has led to external attacks from criminals, thus leading to data breach. Cybercrime is a profitable business for hackers […]
Approaches to Security Implementation Effective system security is dependent on developing a workplace environment and organizational structure where management comprehends and fully bolsters security efforts, and users are motivated to exercise caution (Sennewald, 2011). As a security manager, I lead this effort. Therefore, in formulating my initial 2 weeks on the job to be an […]
Essay Name Institution Essay Moral offenses should be criminalized; as such, they should be made criminal under state statutes. Utilitarianism’s core ideology is that whether actions are morally right or wrong is dependent on the effect that they generate. According to this theory, the goal of morality is to make life better by increasing the […]
Law Topic: The Value of the U.S. border Patrol in the age of Homeland Security To ensure you are improving your writing ability, a mini-paper is assigned. It will be at least 4 pages (not including the title page and references page or any pictures, charts, graphs, etc. you include), in Ace homework tutors – […]
Database Security A security policy is one of the many categories of database security controls. In designing a security policy for a database that contains very sensitive information, various important issues should be addressed. One such issue pertains to security requirements from database support services. Support services like database mail service, High-Availability services, and data […]