Access to healthcare for people with disabilities in Canada Approximately one out of five people in Canada has a disability. According to the Canadian Disability Policy Alliance, people with disabilities face several challenges in health care settings. Some of them are attitudinal, systematic, physical and expertise barriers. More than 32% of disabled people face physical […]
Predestination and Free Will in Christianity In Christian theology, salvation is explained based on divinity and humanity. Predestination and free will are two concepts that contribute immensely to salvation. Free will is the ability of human beings to choose whether to follow the word of God or not, while predestination is God’s will to save […]
James Fowler’s “Stages of Faith” In 1981, James W. Fowler developed a model that explains the development of faith in a person’s life from childhood to adulthood. According to him, beliefs in the doctrines of religion grow overtime. Stage 0: Primal Faith It is also known as undifferentiated faith. Primal faith develops between birth and […]
The Difference Between Catholic and Protestant Churches Although they worship the same God, Catholic and protestant churches are different. Protestants were born during the reformation in Germany; it was initiated by Martin Luther about 500 years ago. Catholics believe that the Catholic Church is the original Christian church. Protestants acknowledge that it was the first, […]
Renaissance epoch in the Christian religion Renaissance occurred between the 14th and 16th centuries. It began in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe like Germany and Scandinavia. Renaissance was characterized by cultural, economic, and political rebirth. It was a period in which great scientists, artists, and philosophers thrived. Renaissance epoch brought about a […]
Is cryptocurrency taking over in the US, UK and Australia trading? Cryptocurrency in the US The US is one of the countries whereby cryptocurrencies are growing steadily. Although the market is faced with several challenges such as harsh tax laws and policies that are driving cryptocurrency companies overseas. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have grown and […]
Evolution and trends of information systems infrastructure The history of information systems infrastructure can be traced back to the first computer. The first system was implemented in 1960 in the field of account. The system could only tackle one function at a time. Overtime more applications were developed to serve different functionalities. Some of them […]
The strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations With the rapid development of technology, various systems, applications, and devices have been improvised to increase efficiency. Cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing allows the processing and management of data using remote servers hosted on the internet. Businesses have embraced it due to its […]
Big data and its business impact In the past, only a few large companies were able to access big data due to the high prices of data collection and analytical tools. However, with the rapid growth of technology, both startups, and large companies are now able to access these tools. Big data plays a significant […]
Managerial issues in a networked organization A networked organization controls and coordinates its interactions to establish a single large entity. It uses digital technology and trained experts to create this networked environment. There are three types of networked organizations, internal, stable and dynamic. The internal networked organization has divided units that act as profit centers. […]