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INFECTIOUS DISEASES AFFECTING THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The respiratory tract comprises the body parts that enable us to breathe. They include the throat/pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Respiratory infections are caused by various viruses and bacteria that are easily passed to people around us through coughing, sneezing, or face-to-face contact. The respiratory system’s infectious diseases […]
Legit research paper writing services Research papers have a vital input to the academic journey of every college student. These types of assignments seek to impart and test a student’s ability to conduct an in-depth research on a topic, summarize all information gathered and present the evidence precisely into a written form. What the professor […]
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Zoonosis: Chagas Disease. Describe the connection between human, animal, and ecosystem health as it relates to this disease. Explain how is globalization affecting the transmission rates and rates of this disease globally? Chagas is a type of zoonotic disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease, also referred to as the American trypanosomiasis, […]
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing The field of psychiatric mental health nursing is involved with the care of patients living with a wide range of emotional and mental health problems ranging from stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse and addiction, behavioral issues, and other complex mental health conditions. This particular specialty focuses on providing care to individual […]
How did the development of germ theory influence the history of medicine? Germ theory in medicine was the conclusive demonstration that diseases and infections of surgical wounds were caused by minute living organisms that are only visible under high microscopic magnification. These tiny microorganisms are categorized under bacterial, viral, and fungal. The germ theory was […]
Medical Essay Writing Service From time immemorial, medicine has always been considered one of the most lucrative courses. And while this is true, a significant percentage of students joining medical school are either late to graduate or fail to graduate entirely. The reason? Assignment problems. Even with enough knowledge on different medical topics, writing winning […]
Nutrition essay writing service Nutrition plays an important role in disease prevention, recovery from illnesses, and the general wellbeing of the body. And since nurses are the primary contact to patients, they must be well knowledgeable about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet and be able to explain and recommend healthy food choices […]