+++ +++ Create a presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint or anotherpresentation software) about your personal background andidentity.Identify two or three social categories you identify with that youare comfortable sharing.Include the following: Illustrate the racial ethnic cultural gender or other socialcategories or groups you identify with and are comfortablesharing. Select one of the social categories you listed […]
+++ +++ Select a current events case, in the last ten years, to analyze in the American criminal justice system. The case should be one where a life sentence or death sentence was the outcome.**Your case must be submitted to the instructor for approval in week four. Please submit your topic and briefly explain how […]
+++ +++ Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which youdiscuss and explain the term social institution as itapplies to organized crime. Which empirical and speculativetheories are most applicable when applied to organized crime andcriminal behavior? – –
Explain how a natural experiment differs from a traditional one by providing an example of each and discussing the differences in Criminal Justice. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Which design do you think is most useful and why? Your main post must be at least 150 words. It should include citations and references […]
Imagine the following scenarios:Sam and his friends are out partying on a Friday night. They drive by a street named “Samuel Lane” and, all in good fun, Sam’s friends steal the street sign for Sam, which he then proudly displays on the wall in his living room. Linda knows that her 21 year old son, […]
What is the definition of problem solving courts? What is the relationship between problem solving courts and restorative justice? How can we improve the success of restorative justice within the criminal justice system? Explain. Include References.
Write a page paper – Describe the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system.
With a minimum of 500 words or more in APA format with at least two scholarly sources. This is based on the textbook titled, “Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 2nd Edition” by P.J. Ortmeier. What are the major components of the criminal justice system, and do the components collaborate and cooperate to function as […]
Explain the effects of public policy on internal criminal justice operations and analyze the effect of criminal justice policy on social justice
University of Phoenix Material Personal Crimes Analysis For this assignment, you will create an analysis regarding personal crimes using one of the three assignment options. Option 1: Personal Crimes Analysis Presentation Submit your personal crimes analysis using Microsoft® PowerPoint® or another pre-approved presentation tool.Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation that includes a reference slide with […]