Should a criminal defendant be allowed to plea bargain for a lesser sentence in exchange for a guilty plea? Should the victim be included in the plea? What about bail? Is it fair to the victim to have their alleged attacker running around free?
Write a six (6) page minimum overview for Ch. 3 of Samuel Walker’s, The Color of Justice: Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America chapters beginning with the first week, and deposit it in the Assignment folder. An overview addresses the main ideas of a document, which demonstrates that you are able to follow the literature, […]
Create a 13- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you address the following: What role does ethics play in creating and guiding policy in the criminal justice system? What role does ethics play in the enforcement of laws? How does ethical enforcement relate to the role of investigating and combating terrorism? Is torture ethical […]
Its a 10 page paper which will include the enactment of a new Statute to provide civil and/or criminal penalties for engaging in the deviant behavior identified by your paper. The paper portion of this assignment should be at least 6-8 pages long and the statute should be at least 2-4 pages. As long as […]
Criminal Assignment: I need help writing a research paper. 1. What is a protective detail and what are the primary responsibilities? What are the first steps of providing a protective detail? Give an example of the client or source of a protection detail. 2. What does protective intelligence consist of and who is responsible for […]
Explore court standards, rules, and regulations and the differences among them for selecting and approving professional witnesses and determining admissibility of expert testimony. Use resources from professional literature and conduct research to support your responses. Professional literature may include relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, […]
+++ +++ Discuss the various crime prevention programs for young people today. 200 words – –
+++ +++ 7.3 – Assignment: Web Search – Aviation and the Disabled 1 1 unread reply. 11 11 replies. Both texts (Jennings, p. 734-736, etc., and Emerson, 566-569), discuss the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), with which you all probably already had some passing familiarity. What those text discussions do not raise is the fact […]
Question description The “adversary system” is the fundamental concept behind American jurisprudence. It is assumed by our system that when you have 2 people on opposite sides who are trying to win, the party who has the truth on its side will ultimately prevail. Of course, as we all know, it doesn’t always work that […]
Question description RESEARCH PROJECT –Career Investigation (Social work/criminal justice) Length: 12-16 pages.Overview: The remainder of the semester will focus on a major research project. This project will be broken up into parts to make it manageable and keep you on track. Complete the assignment fully and follow all directions for page length requirement for each […]