Locate a recent criminal court case you find interesting.Provide a brief summary and properly cite the case.Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper in which you answer the following questions:What interested you about this case? What are the sources, purposes, and jurisdictions of the criminal law related to this case? What is accomplice liability and criminal liability? How does […]
I need 3 power point slides answering the following questions and speaker notes with references . please look at the attached power point presentation and this assignment is a follow up .here are the questionsPlanning and implementation issues: How well was the program or initiative planned out, and how well was that plan put into […]
+++ +++ 1. The elements of attempt include which of the following?a. specific intentb. an overt act toward commissionc. failure to complete the crimed. all of the above2. The intent to accomplish the precise act which the law prohibits is the definition for which of the following?a. specific intentb. general intentc. attemptd. transferred intent3. There […]
1. Community policing is implemented operationally through all of the following exceptA. community engagement.B. improved hierarchical organization of the police department.C. problem-solving and situational crime prevention.D. reoriented police operations.2. Abraham and Rosalie are discussing New York City’s response to terrorism. Abraham says that tosafeguard against terror attacks, the NYPD has implemented a tactic called surge. […]
+++ +++ CJA 314 CJA314 Week 5 Assignment Future CrimeScenario Paper and Presentation – –
Ok so, I have a review literature paper that I have to write for juvenile justice class. This is a paper that I am confused on because past literature reviews I have written groups citations together. I just need to know “where to start.” I have uploaded the directions and the beginning of my paper […]
1. The factor of probation supervision that means an officer must keep in touch with juvenile parent and school is ____________. a. surveillance b. casework c. intake screening d. accountability 2. The basic set of juvenile probation functions includes _____________. a. intake screening of cases referred b. court-ordered release of juvenile c. disposition investigation d. analyzing arrest report 3. ____________ purpose was to allow the defendant to have time to appeal a case to the Crown. a. Recognizance b. Bene t of clergy c. Judicial reprieve d. Prosecutorial discretion 4.Due to the humanitarianism of John Augustus, the nation’s first probation law was passed in ____________. a. Illinois b. Massachusetts c. New York d. Pennsylvania 5. The officer who perceives his/her role as guardian of middle class morality is called the ____________ officer. a. punitive b. protective c. passive d. welfare 6. The officer who sees the job as requiring only minimum effort is called the ___________ officer. a. punitive b. protective c. passive d. welfare 7.__________ determined constitutional rights of incarcerated minors have been violated. a. Morales v. Turman b. Maryland v. Thurman c. National Council on Crime and Delinquency d. Morrissey v. Turman 8. The types of punishment include ____________. a. actual physical punishment b. emotional punishment c. diversi cation d. None of the above. 9. What is one of the seven essential characteristics of juvenile detention de ned by the American Correctional Association Detention Committee? a. temporary custody b. treatment centers c. reform schools d. cottage schools 10. Recommendations for juvenile detention facilities include ____________. a. secure custody with no physical care b. the detention facility should be in a residential area and near court and community services c. nonsecure custody with treatment units d. secure custody with no treatment units 11.___________ became the rst real American response to juvenile problem. a. Houses of refuge b. Elmira Reformatory c. New York City House of Refuge d. Lyman School for Boys 12. Reform school managers and institutional superintendents emphasized ____________. a. physical conditioning b. college prep courses c. discretionary release d. physical punishment 13.___________ was the rst state reform school for boys. a. Lyman School for Boys b. Elmira Reformatory c. Houses of refuge d. Cottage reform schools 14.___________ for housing institutionalized juveniles continues to […]
Criminal justice research has the potential for which of the followingphysical harpsychological harmembarresmentall the above
Can communitarianism and restorative justice address serious, violent crime in a moderate to large-sized community? Would it make a difference if the community was densely urban, suburban, or rural? Why or why not?
Define “mandatory minimum sentences” and “sentencing guidelines.” Referencing your text and resource materials, explain why we have mandatory minimum sentences and sentencing guidelines; what purpose do they serve? State your opinion as to whether mandatory minimum sentences help or hinder judicial efficiency and defend your position by explaining why and how they do so. Need […]