+++ +++ BUS 415Business Law FINAL EXAMINATION1. Which of the following statements is true?a. In the criminal law system one private citizen may sue anotherand recover damages for the crime committed against him.b. Sometimes the same behavior can violate both the civil law andthe criminal law.c. All laws are passed by legislative bodies like the […]
Has the traditional model of criminal punishment failed in the United States? Why or why not? Would an even more traditional system deter crime, or is deterrence no longer a significant aspect of addressing crime in the United States? Provide examples.
Role and perspective of: COMMUNITY BASED CORRECTIONSPhase 2 – Agency Perspective and Role. Write a page paper – Describe the perspective and role their agency has in dealing with the problem. Background listed below (problem)-What are the traditional and practical approaches for the agency’s dealing with the problem? -Why is/has there been a reluctance to change […]
1. Traditionally, juveniles have demonstrated high recidivism rates on ____________. a. vacation b. parole c. school break d. None of the above. 2. Who is responsible for recommending discharge of a juvenile? a. the juvenile’s parole of cer b. society c. the judge d. None of the above. 3. ___________ dealt with standard practices regarding parole revocation. a. Morrisey v. Baxter b. Morrissey v. Brewer c. Morrison v. Brewer d. Morrison v. Baxter 4. The basic legal issues with parole conditions may include all of the following EXCEPT: a. conditions affect basic constitutional freedoms b. conditions often automatically and indiscriminately applied c. conditions dif cult to comply with d. All of the above are basic legal issues with parole conditions 5.___________ is generally administered on a statewide basis by the agency that is responsible for providing institutional services. a. Parole b. Inmate c. Probation d. Status offense 6. Aftercare services include ___________. a. court efforts of classification b. assist punishment of juvenile c. assist youth in community reentry d. assist court in classifying juvenile 7. Policy considerations that should be evaluated prior to granting parole include ____________. a. cost of juveniles to stay in institution b. need for additional punishment c. behavior in institution d. cost to treat juveniles 8. One of the basic functions of aftercare is _____________. a. classifying offender for court b. […]
how do I write an APA Citation for Individual perception of criminal justice practitionersAs a criminal justice practitioner, why is “perception” important?
Discussion 1:The Criminal Justice System views juvenile offenders in a different light than adult offenders. What are some of the differences and why is this approach utilized?Discussion 2:In regard to explaining the crime of larceny (theft), opportunity plays an important role. Explain this theory utilizing the research discussed in chapter 63.Theft and Shopliftinghttp://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=http://knowledge.sagepub.com/view/criminology/n63.xml
Assignment 4, Part 1: Research Project Draft Submission Due Week 8 and worth 200 points In Week 2, you submitted your Topic Selection and Proposal. Throughout the length of the course, you have read about your topic, increased your knowledge about your topic, and gathered credible information while conducting research on your topic. Now, you […]
After reading the sections in Chapter 2 having to do with Law Enforcement Agencies, Prosecutorial Agencies, and Counsel for the Defense: Which of these participants in the Criminal Justice System do you feel has the greatest responsibility in the American Criminal Justice System. Be detailed in your response why you have come to this conclusion. […]
Lab Link: https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/pbs.org/video/1146758885/1. Write a page paper – Describe the “rehab” program that is being used with terrorists?2. How does this program differ from the types of punishment that are typically used for violent criminals?3. What factors increase the potential for instability and terrorism in Saudi Arabia?4. Do you think approaches like the rehab program are successful at changing the […]
In this assignment, you will examine the 3 social sectors (housing, employment, and training and support) and analyze how the treatment methods are affecting social rehabilitation of offenders.Assignment Guidelines:Address the following in 3–5 paragraphs: Is total social rehabilitation possible? In other words, can an offender completely renew himself or herself and reenter society? Why or […]