What makes crimes against children so different if the elements are essentially the same as for adult victims? How do these differences impact the work of the investigator?
In your opinion, do you think that evidence of a defendant’s use of a false name to the police; flight from prosecution; escape from custody; resistance to arrest; or concealment; should be admissible at a criminal trial as evidence of a defendant’s consciousness of guilt and even of guilt itself? Why or why not?
+++ +++ What is the federal policy onracial policing? What distinction does the policy make betweeneveryday criminal investigations and terrorism investigations? Doyou agree with the basis for this distinction? Explain why or whynot. – –
In 200 words or more analyze the need for a greater standard of conduct expected of criminal justice employees. Include discussions of sexual behavior, residency, moonlighting, use of firearms, and alcohol/drug abuse. Must be original work.
Review the details of the Lindbergh Baby CaseBook: Criminal Justice Today : An Introductory Text for the 21st CenturyWrite a 700–1,050 word analysis of the Lindbergh case. Include the following components in your discussion:Discuss how the three components, police, courts, and corrections, apply to this case. Discuss first appearance, preliminary hearing, and arraignment as they […]
TOPIC: Proposition 64: Legalizing recreational marijuana for those 21 years of age or older under state law and establishing certain sales and cultivation taxes. -How do you think the California criminal justice system will be impacted by the passing of this measure?- For instance, how will this proposition impact the police? You can talk about a variety […]
Ihave a few questions 1. What are the various functions of a police agency? Compare and contrast how these functions differ at the federal, state, and local levels. What would happen if the function and role of policing agencies was limited in the community? 2. How would you define police brutality? What is the relationship between police […]
Select a criminal justice research-based article from a peer-reviewed journal in the University Library.Discuss the article with your Learning Team.Create an 4- to 8 -slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation based on the article in which you include the following:ARTICLE CHOSEN: SEE ATTACHMENTA description of the research design A description of the methodology Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. ATTACHMENT […]
Should deadly force by an officer be automatically considered unjustified when the underlying alleged crime by a suspect is a misdemeanor? Explain.
For this Assignment, you will be exploring the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions with respect to crimes against persons. The primary objective of this Assignment is to explain how the same conduct may be prosecuted either in state or federal court pursuant to Colorado state and federal statutes. Be sure to select […]