Assignment: Check out some of the datasets collected by the Bureau of Justice Statistics at (Links to an external site.) Select a dataset and describe the sampling procedures used to collect data. What type of sample is it? Probability sample? Non-probability sample? What type of random sample? How representative is the sample? Is the […]
Assignment Details When you were attending AIU, you thought of yourself being an undercover narcotics officer or working for a bank as a fraud investigator, but you were initially exposed to the role of a victims’ witness assistant during the Criminal Careers course at AIU. Then, your best friend became a victim of a crime […]
Computer Crime Prosecution Assignment 1: Search the Internet for articles on computer crime prosecution. Ace my homework – Write a one page paper summarizing the article and identify key features of the decision you find in your search. After answering the questions, save the file with LastnameFirstname_Assignment1 (e.g., JohnSmith_Assignment1) and submit it right back here […]
Conflict Management in Unionized Environments The response must be 250 words and use at least 2 scholarly citation(s) in Ace homework tutors – APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include texts, articles, presentations, the Bible, blogs, videos, etc. Textbook: Raines, S. (2020). Conflict Management for […]
Ace my homework – Write 1 page, deliver on or before the set deadline. Follow all the instructions Each group will submit a 1-page summary. The document should include the following: TOPIC: tiktok and data privacy issues * How the topic relates to significant sustainability issues * How the topic relates to significant business ethics […]
Criminal homework help Symbolism in Painting In 750 words, compare and contrast two symbolist paintings by two different symbolist artists. Explain the thematic content and describe the style of each artwork. For the purpose of this assignment, Symbolism is a separate stylistic movement limited to the late turn of the 19th century. Symbolism is a […]
Criminal homework help You are working as a private security guard at a major banking center in a metropolitan city. Recent Homeland Security alerts as well as news updates on local news channels indicate an elevated possibility of a terrorist attack in the area near the banking center where you work. How would you be […]
Crime Prevention Initiative: Hot Spots Policing Each student will produce a written project on a topic relevant to crime prevention. Most of these projects will involve researching a current topic on some prevention initiative. It is also possible that the project can involve gathering data on a prevention topic or applying something that has been […]
Case Brief Brief the case University of Texas at Arlington v. Williams, 459 S.W. 3d 48 (Tex. 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service), which is attached as “Williamscase.docx” I need help writing my essay – research paper use the approved case brief format that includes the following parts: (1) Facts, (2) Procedural History, (3) […]
Criminal homework help Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion 9 – Witness Credibility Assessment Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion: In Chapter 7, Topic 5 the text discusses 10 potential factors that could impact witness credibility. Pick two of […]