+++ +++ Discuss the fundamental ways in which taking this course has affected your ideas about a possible career or completing additional education. If you were going to seek employment in the criminal court system, identify what profession or position you would choose, and why.Just half a page is needed. – –
+++ +++ Purposes of Criminal Laws – –
Question description You will be responsible for submitting a two page paper via Blackboard every odd week using a newspaper article on a topic relating to the week’s lecture. These newspaper articles will help you understand the growing issues many Asian Americans face each day, and more importantly, what is being done to address these […]
Question description Security is a big business for many people today, both for those fighting it and for those with criminal intent. The scale of computer security has also gotten much bigger. The days of minor defacement of webpages are a quaint relic. Today, entire countries will employ armies of hackers to counter other nations. […]
Question description Substantive Research You are required to complete a substantive research paper assignment comprising of 6–7 pages Microsoft Word document. Conduct research on atleast two cybercrime court cases, decisions and or appeals to cybercrime case that took place within the last 10 years. Identify the type of cybercrime, how the crime was committed, and […]
Question description Readings [3]: 1. “The Mega-Marketing of Depression” by Ethan Watters [NHR 512-32].2. “Son,” Andrew Solomon, NHR 369-90. You may choose the third reading from the following: ( only choose one)3. “An Elephant Crackup?” Charles Siebert, NHR 351-67; OR “The Power of Context: Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City Crime,” Malcolm Gladwell, NHR 148-164; OR “Homo Religiosus,” Karen Armstrong, NHR 1-23This semester, we’ve had […]
examine the effect of maternal alcohol use during pregnancy on infant behavioral outcomes and birth weight|Psychology Abstract — Aims: To examine the effect of maternal alcohol use during pregnancy on infant behavioral outcomes and birth weight, and to investigate the differential susceptibility of infant behavioral outcomes and birth weight to prenatal alcohol exposure. Methods: Data […]
Explore the normative – analytical philosophies of morality Throughout this course, you have examined multiple ethical theories, among them: utilitarianism, deontological, normative ethics, ethical relativism, natural law, virtue theory, and so forth. Chapter 13 in your textbook presents three additional ethical theories: ethical egoism, hedonism, and Stoicism. Explore the normative and analytical philosophies of morality […]
Problem regarding the cultural differences Part I: Unlike many of our authors in this class, video footage of Truman Capote abounds. Find a video of him. Post the link in the forum, and tell us a little about your perception of him. How might he have fit in 1960s Kansas, and how might the cultural […]
Sustaining Police Operations at an Efficient and Effective Level under Difficult Economic| article review · Read the article titled “Sustaining Police Operations at an Efficient and Effective Level under Difficult Economic Times”, located here. You may also view the article here. · Determine at least two (2) major issues law enforcement administrators should take into […]