Question description Research an example of contractor fraud from a news story from a reliable news outlet. Briefly review the facts and the outcome of the case. Based on the reading and legal issues, was justice served in your example? Why or why not? What other issues may have been present that were not pursued […]
Question description Part 1 From the e-Activity, take a position on whether or not all the forms of contracting described in Chapter 16 can be grouped into the two broad categories: fixed price contracts and cost reimbursement contracts. Support your position. eActivity: Read the article titled “Contract Types” located here. Be prepared to discuss. Part 2 From the e-Activity, take a position […]
Question description HIH insurance in australia was one of the largest corporate collapses in our history.we are to research HIH and then we are asked this question There was some illegal conduct by the directors but was it unethical?
Question description “Financial Performance” Please respond to the following:Use the Internet to research an annual report of a manufacturing company of your choice. Then, put yourself in the role of an investor or creditor, and suggest the ratios that you believe would provide you with the most important information needed to make accurate predictions about […]
Question description The issue here is how to communicate with the new sales personnel. They need more scientific training than you originally envisioned, and you must redesign the hiring process to include a training program, which should include a needs analysis. How would you retrain these valuable personnel?How would you redesign your recruitment efforts in the […]
Question description ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE VOICETo understand active and passive voice, look at the following sentences: The officer returned the money to the driver. The money was returned to the driver by the officer.The first sentence is written in active voice. “Officer” is the subject, “returned” is the verb, “money” is the object, and “driver” […]
Question description In this week’s learning activities, you reviewed ethics rules that impact the information included in written documents. To further enhance your understanding of how important adhering to these ethical standards is, you will review a case wherein some of these ethical standards were violated. Complete the following assignment: Read Catellier v. Depco Inc. and answer […]
Question description After reading Chapter 18 of “Give Me Liberty,” reading the assigned documents from Chapter 18 in “Voices of Freedom,” and viewing the videos on Ellis Island and “The Progressive Era,” answer the following questions in your original post: In what ways did Progressivism and Progressive reform include both democratic and anti-democratic impulses? Which […]
Question description Why is it important for scientists to study the whole solar system? Write a page paper – Describe Cassini space mission purpose. What do you think we have learned or will potentially learn from this mission? Give an example of an Earth process or feature that we find elsewhere in the solar system.
Question description 250-500 wordsRegarding the case of State v. Akers [p. 250 of the textbook], present your own argument supporting either the majority opinion or the dissent. Make sure you back up your argument with a legal and factual basis.